September 7, 2018

UNDP’s Strategic Plan emphasizes the critical links between environmental sustainability and efforts to eradicate poverty, reduce inequalities, and strengthen resilience. Drawing on over forty years of experience, UNDP assists countries to implement their obligations under Multilateral Environmental Agreements (MEAs) and to integrate environmental concerns into national and sectoral plans and strategies; secure resources; implement programmes that advance inclusive, sustainable and resilient development, and strengthen livelihoods.

In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of external experts. The process for including candidates in the Expert Roster is described in the later sections of this advertisement. For detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.

UNDP, Regional Service Centre for Africa, is supporting African member states, the African Union and to adopt and implement gender equality and women’s empowerment policy reforms and initiatives.  Underpinning this approach is the need for a transformative and sustainable strategies for gender equality. 

In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a vetted roster external experts. The process of including candidates in the Expert Roster are described in the later sections of this advertisement. Fore detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference. 

High-quality evaluations are critical for results-based management, knowledge generation for wider use, and for accountability to programme partners. One of the requirements of the UNDP evaluation policy is that programme units – policy, practice, regional bureaus and country offices – ensure that evaluations inform programme management and contribute to development results. In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of external experts. 

For detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.

At UNDP, external and internal communication—nationally, regionally and globally—is critical to achieving both development results and business objectives. Skillful communication contributes to transparency and development effectiveness, attracts and fosters strong partnerships, and can boost resource mobilization. In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives in Africa, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of external experts. For detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference. 

UNDP to strengthen inclusive and effective governance focuses on ensuring participation and voice in pursuit of equitable access to development opportunities, and working with poor and other excluded groups as agents of their own development. The plan includes the following outcomes to achieve effective governance: (i) citizen expectations for voice, development, the rule of law and accountability are met by stronger systems of democratic governance; and (ii) countries have strengthened institutions to progressively deliver universal access to basic services. (iii) Faster progress is achieved in reducing gender inequality and promoting women’s empowerment.

In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of External Experts. For detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is uniquely positioned to advocate for transformative change, connect countries to the knowledge and resources they require to promote sustainable human development and to coordinate the efforts of the United Nations at the country level. In order to ensure continued support to our partnership and resource mobilization initiatives, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster external experts. For detailed information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.

UNDP’s Strategic Plan is designed to help individuals and countries alike build resilience to internal and external shocks. This helps reduce risks, prevent crises (whether from man-made or natural causes), avert major development setbacks and promote human security.  Policies and capacities are needed for comprehensive national and regional responses to natural disasters to minimize adverse development impacts and accelerate rebuilding. In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives in Africa, UNDP invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of external experts. For more information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.

The Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development Cluster (IGSDC) of UNDP Ethiopia focuses on integrating UNDP’s economic, social and environmental work into a coherent, sustainable development policy and programming framework. Within the auspices of the Post 2015 agenda, this Cluster’s work will address inter alia poverty, economic growth, employment and livelihoods, social inclusion and equality, recovery in post crisis countries, the management of ecosystems and biodiversity, marine resources, extractive industries and chemicals. 

In order to ensure continued support to our initiatives, UNDP Ethiopia  invites candidates to send their applications for inclusion in a Vetted Roster of external experts. For more information, please refer to the procurement notice and terms of reference.