Signing ceremony - support for the Peace Support Programme
Resident Representative,
Representatives of the press,
Ladies and gentlemen,
I am pleased to welcome you today to the signing of Germany’s partnership with UNDP in an effort to provide hands-on support to the peace process.
Ethiopia is one of our most important partners in Africa. Our countries are joined by a long and trustful relationship. This was also underlined by the visits of our Federal Chancellor and our Foreign Minister earlier this year.
Germany is committed to our partnership and stands with the Ethiopian people during this time of hardship.
Against that background, we are pleased to see many transparent and genuine efforts to implement the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement to end the conflict in the North.
What has been achieved so far deserves our respect, and we stand here today because we want to support Ethiopia’s efforts to end this conflict. At the same time, it clearly shows that only dialogue and mutual trust can contribute to overcoming division and conflict.
Important steps in this regard have been taken, further steps have to follow.
We are standing here today to encourage and support Ethiopia and her people in pursuing the path towards national reconciliation, respect of human rights, peace and accountability with courage and foresight and to lay the foundations for a peaceful future for all Ethiopians.
A stable and prosperous Ethiopia is in all our interest. Peace and security at the Horn of Africa are only possible with a stable and unified Ethiopia.
I am proud that I can announce today that Germany and UNDP have partnered to support this process with concrete measures.
By signing this contract, Germany will contribute more than 10 million Euros to UNDP’s Peace Support Programme and Facility. In coherence with Ethiopia’s Resilient Recovery and Reconstruction Framework (3RF), it has a clear focus on urgent actions over the next 2 years to stabilize conditions, restore a sense of normalcy and deliver a first peace dividend to conflict-impacted populations. Our goal is to contribute toward an irreversible peace process in Northern Ethiopia. Building trust within and between communities and legitimate authorities is at the center of these measures. They are founded upon country leadership and ownership.
Germany will support UNDP’s activities geared towards Local Governance, Human Rights and Social Cohesion; Basic Social Services including health, nutrition, education, WASH and protection; and Economic Revival for enterprises and agriculture, and demining efforts.
We are glad to be able to partner with UNDP in providing this hands-on support to those who have suffered, their families and their communities, and to those who want to rebuild a peaceful and stable Ethiopia.
Thursday, 12 October 2023, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia