Development impact
South-south cooperation
South-south cooperation
South–South Cooperation is a phrase traditionally used to describe the exchange of resources, technology, and knowledge between the countries of the Global South.
For many years, countries in Europe and Central Asia have been doing just that. Given that many countries have similar development priorities and trajectories, the incentives for cooperation are considerable. Together, they boost each other’s development efforts, find solutions to common challenges, and increase regional cohesion.
Hosted in Istanbul, the Division for Arab States, Europe and the CIS of the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC), helps people and institutions to accelerate and scale up these efforts.
At the request of countries, we at UNDP:
- Develop existing ties;
- Involve government, civil society, and businesses;
- Help countries learn from shared experiences but address specific contexts.
In our approach in the Arab region, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, we:
- Support mechanisms for learning and exchange between the countries of the Global South, hand in hand with developed countries;
- Facilitate real time access to South-South information;
- Mobilize donors so they can help us develop South-South solutions, technologies and expertise.