UNDP Europe and Central Asia



As a public organization entrusted with donor funds and committed to supporting developing economies, UNDP works to improve access to quality assured supplies in a cost effective and reliable way. We do this by abiding the following principles:

  • Best value for money;
  • Fairness, integrity and transparency;
  • Effective international competition; and
  • In the best interest of UNDP, which means that any business transactions must conform to the mandates and principles of UNDP and the United Nations.

Procurement is the overall process of acquiring goods, civil works and services which includes all functions from the identification of needs, selection and solicitation of sources, preparation and award of contract, and all phases of contract administration through the end of a services’ contract or the useful life of an asset.

As a public organization entrusted with donor funds and committed to supporting developing economies, UNDP abides by the following principles:

Best Value for Money means selection of the offer, which presents the optimum combination of life-cycle costs and benefits, which meet the end-users’ needs. Best Value for Money is the result of several factors, including quality, experience, the vendor’s reputation, and parameters that measure how well the good or service allows the organization to meet its social, environmental or other strategic objectives.

Fairness, Integrity and Transparency, which ensures that competitive processes are fair, open, and rules-based. All potential vendors should be treated equally, and the process should feature clear evaluation criteria, unambiguous solicitation instructions, realistic requirements, and rules and procedures that are easy to understand.

Effective International Competition, understood as giving all potential vendors timely and adequate information on UNDP requirements, as well as equal opportunity to participate in procurement actions, and restricting them only when it is absolutely necessary to achieve UNDP development goals.

In the best interest of UNDP, which means that any business transactions must conform to the mandates and principles of UNDP and the United Nations.

UNDP Procurement is based on competitive bidding. Depending on the type, complexity, size and value of the project and its procurement elements, commonly used methods of solicitation include:


Micro-Purchasing is a simplified and informal procurement method intended for the purchase of readily available goods, standardized services and small works, and where the contract amounts involved are not expected to exceed $10,000. Micro-Purchasing may be undertaken through canvassing of at least two vendors and award is made to the lowest price available.

Request for Quotation (RFQ)

An RFQ is an informal invitation to submit a quotation, usually for goods/services/civil works at a value between US$10,000 and $200,000. Prices, and other commercial terms and conditions are requested and award is made to the lowest priced technically acceptable offer.

Invitation to Bid (ITB)

An ITB is a formal invitation to submit a bid, usually associated with requirements that are clearly and concisely defined, with an estimated procurement value of US$200,000 or more. Normally price is the sole determinant in making an award. Where all technical criteria are met, award is made to the lowest bidder.

Request for Proposal (RFP)

An RFP is a formal request to submit a proposal, usually associated with requirements for services, which cannot be clearly or concisely defined, with an estimated procurement value of more than US$10,000. Price is only one of several factors comprising the evaluation criteria. Award is made to the qualified bidder whose bid substantially conforms to the requirement set forth on the solicitation documents and is evaluated to be the lowest cost to UNDP.

In some cases, exceptions to competition are being made and direct contracting is used. This usually happens when a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) is in place, either globally (HQ) or locally (at country office level).

Evaluation Process

Evaluation is the process of assessing offers and submitted proposals in accordance with established evaluation methodology and criteria, with the goal of obtaining the best value for money. The process is conducted in a fair and transparent manner to ensure equal treatment of all bidders.

The Evaluation Committee consists of three to five members depending on the nature, complexity and value of the procurement activity. Furthermore, the Evaluation Committee is chaired by an experienced individual, usually a member of the UNDP Moldova Programme Section. The membership of the Evaluation Committee is approved by Senior Management of UNDP Moldova.

In selecting the members of the evaluation team, the type of procurement being carried out is considered. Representatives from the funding source, the client organization, or national representatives may participate in the evaluation process only as observers. All observers and participants in the evaluation team sign a Declaration of Impartiality.

Vendor Protest

UNDP’s vendor protest procedure provides an opportunity for appeal to those persons or firms not awarded a purchase order or contract through a competitive procurement process. In the event that a Proposer believes that it was not treated fairly, the following link provides further details regarding UNDP vendor protest procedures. Please consult UNDP Policy against Fraud and other Corrupt Practices.(link is external)

Contracts' Awards

All past competitions (winner name and awarded contract amount) can be found in the Tenders Archive(link is external) (new window will open).


Related resources

Procurement notices


Development AreaTitleLocationReference NumberPostedDeadline
OTHERПредоставление услуги телефонии и резервного подключения к сети Интернет - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0050717-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERDrip irrigation systems in Karakalpakstan and Bukhara region (LOT based) - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-UZB-0120113-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERSDG2BIH-RFQ-Promotion of Finalists and Winners of the 2025 SDG BPA in BIH - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121314-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant to support harmonisation of the new Company Law - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00537-225-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERПоставка поосных автомобильных весов/Purchase and supply of axle truck scales - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0050412-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERIT Consultant for a domain and hosting a Web Portal for Grant Mechanism - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049617-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHER80_National Consultant with the background of methodologist, educator, expe - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0118414-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHER78_National Consultant with sociological and analytical skills profile - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0118314-Mar-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC - National Expert to Support the Albania’s VET Inspection unit at MECI - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0047927-Feb-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERExperts Roster: Graphic Designer/Illustrator - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-IRH-0021514-Feb-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERExperts Roster: Video and Infographic Video Producer - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-IRH-0021617-Feb-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERExperts Roster: Photographer - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-IRH-0021717-Feb-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERExperts Roster: Writer/Editor For Knowledge And Advocacy Products - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-IRH-0022717-Feb-2531-Mar-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP_AI Literacy for Local Officials - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049413-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP_Provision of consultancy to perform the terminal evaluation of National - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0048709-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERNational consultant to support the Ministry to adopt the new Company Law - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00536-225-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERНациональный консультант по особо охраняемым природным территориям - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0051217-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant for revising the forensic-chemical SOPs for explosive traces analysis - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0052707-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant for Method validation: Qualitative testing of explosives - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0052807-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERCFP: Non-Structural Measures - UNDP - GEORGIAGEORGIAUNDP-GEO-00290,111-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERWorks on Energy Renovation - Administrative Building in Vlajkoviceva 10 Belgrade - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0083011-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPOPs-RFQ-Study Visit to Ljubljana, Slovenia, 23–25 April 2025 - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121614-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERQu25/03003: Model School/ Three National Consultants/ Designers - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0069611-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP25/03010:GT/Development of waste-related business models - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-00689,104-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP25/03006: Model School/Organizational development programme for Model Schools - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-00685,124-Feb-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER116_Communications Expert - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0119514-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER91_Land degradation neutrality Expert - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0119214-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ Technical Support for the Basic Court of Prishtine/a, Conference Room - UNDP - Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)UNDP-KOS-0036814-Mar-2501-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERРазработка проекта Закона Республики Таджикистан «О поддержке экспорта» - UNDP - TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTANUNDP-TJK-0043804-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP_Supervision of works for "Rehabilitation Of K.K-5 Channel, Dajç, Bregu Bunes - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049312-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERНациональный консультант по визуализации/дизайну и контенту - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0051418-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConstruction of a Daily Regulated Water Reservoir - UNDP - ARMENIAARMENIAUNDP-ARM-0067719-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDevelopment and Implementation of Recruitment Strategy, HR Management Systems - UNDP - ARMENIAARMENIAUNDP-ARM-0067212-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC - National Consultant on Innovative solutions for Long Term Care Services - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049011-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERITB25/03008: EU4EDU/ Capital repair and modernization of sciences classrooms - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0069712-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER72_Procurement of IT equipment and software - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0119818-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER88_IC Analyst on Energy Transition and Distributed Systems - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0119417-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProduction & Equipment – Parallel Realities Pavilion, 24th Triennale Milano - UNDP - ITALYITALYUNDP-HQ-0159619-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC for RRS Project Quantitative Survey - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-IRH-0023918-Mar-2502-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERUNDP-KGZ-00568 Procurement of food packages - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0056820-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERLocal consultant for drafting of the Guidelines for Search of the Disappeared - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0053818-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERInternational consultant for drafting the Guidelines for Search of Disappeared - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0053918-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP_Digital solution for NAPA finance system - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-00475,125-Feb-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIndividual Consultancy Services in the Cultural Heritage Sector - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-TUR-0052513-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement of double cabin pickup trucks for AIDS Prevention Center - UNDP - TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTANUNDP-TKM-0018206-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERНациональный консультант для проведения анализа законодательства - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0050813-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant for manufacturing industry with potential for development and exports - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0054219-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant for Final Evaluation of the National Consumer Protection Program - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0054118-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDevelopment of Specifications for System Architecture for Health Sector - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00531,111-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERCoordination Experts for Forest Pest Management- EL - UNDP - CYPRUSCYPRUSUNDP-CYP-00166,114-Jan-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER5NC-IC-Climate Projections Consultant - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121821-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSPA-IC-Consultant for development of Tourism Study for Višegrad - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121118-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Consultant for Programme Budgeting - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0085712-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Consultant for Financial Reporting - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0085612-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Consultant for Financial Planning in the Public Sector - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0085512-Mar-2503-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERUNDP-KGZ-00543 “Computed tomography for the diagnosis of tuberculosis in childre - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0054314-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERЗакупка и поставка 1 автомашины в кузове седан/ Purchase of 1 sedan vehicle - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-00511,114-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERТехническое обслуживание и ремонт систем безопасности в здании ПРООН в г. Алматы - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0051014-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProvision of Internet Connectivity Services, for UNDP and other UN Agencies - UNDP - TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTANUNDP-TJK-00441,117-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERMZ-IC-Consultant for Event Concept Development and Facilitation - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122525-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERЗапрос о выражении заинтересованности для Национальных экспертов - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0050010-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDFF 3-Mentor for CSO Project Development (Cluster 4) - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122114-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDFF 3-Mentor for CSO Project Development (Cluster 3) - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122014-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDFF 3-Mentor for CSO Project Development (Cluster 2) - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121914-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDFF 3-Mentor for CSO Project Development (Cluster 1) - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121513-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERNational Consultant - IT Expert to support NAVETQ on SCVET.AL - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049724-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement For Farmers Organization Coaching Management Support Service - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-TUR-0052413-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSEA for Program for Industrial Safety with Action Plan - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0087221-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDevelopment of Sustainable Bond Impact Assessment Report - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0086419-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPhotography and content creation services, including writing and storytelling - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00530,111-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERLEAD-RFQ-Digital management of legal weapons records - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0120406-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Consultant to strengthen AI in Healthcare Sector in Serbia - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0086014-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPrestation de services de nettoyage à la Maison des Nations Unies - UNDP - BELGIUMBELGIUMUNDP-H27-0002211-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERLocal expert Graphic Designer – Technical support to businesses - UNDP - Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)UNDP-KOS-0037021-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ for Consolidation of the structure and main elements of the building: privat - UNDP - Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)Kosovo, UNSCR 1244 (1999)UNDP-KOS-0036921-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER123_IC on assessment of the first pilot of the internship programme for youth - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0120524-Mar-2504-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERHate Speech Monitoring and Reporting Consultant - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0054424-Mar-2506-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDigitalization of Civil Registration archives (historical records) - UNDP - TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTANUNDP-TJK-00424,117-Feb-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERNational consultant on improving the legal framework of the securities market - UNDP - TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTANUNDP-TKM-0018625-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ_Procurement of vehilce EU4Nature - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0049517-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERGP601399-Long-Term Agreement for Industrial Gas Turbines - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-PSU-01062,306-Feb-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERITB: Air Quality Monitoring Stations - UNDP - GEORGIAGEORGIAUNDP-GEO-00289,207-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProvision of technical supervision/monitoring services for the renovation works - UNDP - ARMENIAARMENIAUNDP-ARM-0067924-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERActionable Recommendations for Sustainable Investment in Energy Efficiency - UNDP - ARMENIAARMENIAUNDP-ARM-0065925-Feb-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDeveloping a technology for processing melons and pumpkins/Разработка технологий - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-UZB-0123725-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement of Watering Troughs for Konya and Karaman Provinces (Two Lots) - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-TUR-0051412-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERVideo production - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00532,112-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Strategic Protocol and Communication Consultant - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0087621-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC System Engineer Support Consultant – Office for IT and eGovernment - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0087521-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDevelopment of "Unlocking the Potential of Circular Textile Value Chains" Report - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-IRH-00237,118-Mar-2507-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProvision of services for the modernization of the laboratory information system - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0053014-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProvision of services to conduct IT-audit for healthcare information systems - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0052911-Feb-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSPSC- RFP- Impact perception Survey - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0117624-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERe-Social IS Refactoring, Upgrade and Optimisation Supervision Support Consultant - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0054525-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ_ Purchase of Equipment to support NCPA Training Centre and CPX Exercises - UNDP - ALBANIAALBANIAUNDP-ALB-0050025-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSR selection for 2025-2026 SDP_PUD - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-00570,125-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSupervision of construction works on Energy Renovation Vlajkoviceva 10, Belgrade - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0086218-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSPA-IC-Expert for PAs visitors’ analysis - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122725-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERLEAD-RFQ-Specialized equipment for ballistic labs in BiH - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122321-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ25/03012: Model School/ Technical design for “Ion Creangă” Lyceum in Ungheni - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0070118-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP25/03016:GT/Capacity Building on EPR Implementation - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0070018-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP25/03007:EDMITE/Procurement of ICT Consultancy services - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0069004-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIC Expert to prepare guidelines on public contracts in the field of ICT - UNDP - SERBIASERBIAUNDP-SRB-0088025-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER681_Procurement of Quadcopter drones - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0119924-Mar-2508-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERNational Consultant on SDG localization - UNDP - TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTANUNDP-TKM-0018826-Mar-2509-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERDesign for the improvement of the Ayios Dometios/Metehan Crossing Point - UNDP - CYPRUSCYPRUSUNDP-CYP-00181,213-Mar-2509-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERMEG2-RFP-Development and Implementation of Information System for Benchmarking - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-01214,118-Mar-2509-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER110_Server equipment and server OS software - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0120625-Mar-2509-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProvision of services on Specialized digital accessibility_LTA - UNV - GERMANYGERMANYUNV-0038418-Mar-2509-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP UNW-BIH-2025-00005 -Police Capacity Development - CO BIH - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA9856912-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERЭкономическое моделирование анализа воздействия климатических изменений в РK - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0051827-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERTender for Preventive and Emergency Elevator Maintenance Services at UN Building - UNDP - TURKMENISTANTURKMENISTANUNDP-TKM-0018425-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERGED-RFQ Supply, delivery and installation of PVS powerplant in Istocno Sarajevo - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-01226,125-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConsultant for preparing and delivery of the RIA Training Programme - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-00543,118-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERFinance Consultant - UNDP - SWITZERLANDSWITZERLANDUNDP-HQ-0160426-Mar-2510-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSR selection for 2025-2026 Street Lawyers - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0057428-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERКонсультант по разработке проектов в рамках финансирования цикла ГЭФ-8 - UNDP - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTANUNDP-KAZ-0051528-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement of switching devices and VHF FM broadcasting channels for MES RUz - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-UZB-01156,106-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER48-2025-RFQ-UNDP-GFATM: Provision of All Risk Property Insurance Coverage - UNDP - TAJIKISTANTAJIKISTANUNDP-TJK-0044528-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement of Equipment (4 LOTs) - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0057928-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERIT equipment for the YOUTH HUB in Zangiata College - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-UZB-0122626-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERProcurement of Vehicle Fleet Rental - UNDP - TURKEYTURKEYUNDP-TUR-00466,112-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER112_Procurement of office furniture and window treatments - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0121028-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER714_Variable frequency drive (VFD) for Water pumping station - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0109820-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSR selection for 2025-2026 SDP_WHRHI and other KPG - UNDP - KYRGYZSTANKYRGYZSTANUNDP-KGZ-0057628-Mar-2511-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERLocal Expert on the digital transformation for the public sector in Armenia - UNDP - ARMENIAARMENIAUNDP-ARM-0068228-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERWASSP-ITB-Construction Works on Buildings No. 19, 20 and 21 at Tufo Buza-Visoko - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121012-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSupply of sewing machines, kitchen and agricultural equipment (LOT based) - UNDP - UZBEKISTANUZBEKISTANUNDP-UZB-01225,127-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERConservation Designs in 2 Sites - UNDP - CYPRUSCYPRUSUNDP-CYP-0018014-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPOPs-IC-Legal Expert - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122828-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHEREE-RFP-Development and organization of Climate Action Academy (CAA) - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0122421-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERInvitation to Prequalification_ Humanitarian Demining Equipment and Supplies - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-01186,103-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPurchase of Backhoe Loader and working modules - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-01193,117-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHER139_National Representative Perceptions Survey and focus groups - UNDP - UKRAINEUKRAINEUNDP-UKR-0121328-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERCountry Office Roster of Drivers - UNDP - MONTENEGROMONTENEGROUNDP-MNE-0054927-Mar-2514-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERSPA-RFQ-Development of the Spatial plan for the National Park ‘Sutjeska’ - UNDP - BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINABOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINAUNDP-BIH-0121218-Mar-2515-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFP25/03018:Dniester2/Company to update the Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0070219-Mar-2516-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERITB25/03014: EU4EDU/ Capital repair and modernization of sciences classrooms - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0069919-Mar-2516-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERRFQ 538-25 UPGRADE of MEIDA in MoI (NMacedonia) with additional functionalities - UNDP - Republic of North MacedoniaRepublic of North MacedoniaUNDP-MKD-0053827-Mar-2517-Apr-25View(link is external)
VEHICLESAuction (sale of the 3 vehicles on an “as-is, where-is” basis) - UNOCHA - UKRAINEUKRAINE9857828-Mar-2518-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERGlobal Long-Term Agreement for Supply of Specialized Vehicles - UNDP - DENMARKDENMARKUNDP-PSU-00850,328-Jan-2524-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERPedieos River/Kanlidere Rehabilitation Project Part 1 - UNDP - CYPRUSCYPRUSUNDP-CYP-0018221-Mar-2524-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERITB25/03015: EU4EDU/ Capital repair and modernization of sciences classrooms - UNDP - MOLDOVAMOLDOVAUNDP-MDA-0070327-Mar-2524-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERFully Managed MFP Cloud Print Solution - UNV - GERMANYGERMANYUNV-0039318-Mar-2530-Apr-25View(link is external)
OTHERInformation Session for Suppliers on UNDP Procurement 2025/ Информационная встреча для потенциальных поставщиков 2025 - UNDP CO Kazakhstan - KAZAKHSTANKAZAKHSTAN9848814-Nov-2431-Dec-25View(link is external)