Promoting Inclusive Market Solutions

Western Balkans, Phase II



The project aims to enhance the capacity of Public Employment Services (PES) and Centers for Social Welfare (CSW) to provide effective and user-centered services and activation measures to jobseekers from marginalized groups in the Western Balkans.


  • Improve models of integrated and user-centered provision of services for marginalized groups.
  • Respond to labour market demand for qualified workforce and offer a package of measures and services for improved employability and employment mediation of the vulnerable groups.


Access to formal markets is more inclusive from policy, organizational and individual levels through:

  • Labour market governance to promote the use of integrated models of tackling social and employment issues, strengthening the capacities of the PES and CSWs to implement individual case-management and accompany vulnerable job seekers on their pathway to decent employment.
  • Innovation fostering inclusive labour markets to support PES and CSWs to embrace innovation in the service delivery, including using IT technologies and human-centered design thinking methodology.
  • Territorial employment pacts to promote a multi-stakeholder platform approach for a social contract on employment.

Major Achievements

  • Integrated Case Management Guideline for the provision of integrated services to vulnerable jobseekers designed and developed.
  • Effective collaboration established between labour markets and social welfare systems to provide integrated support to hard-to-employ groups: Software enabling interoperability/automatic data exchange established in Montenegro. Active Inclusion Integration Platform supported in Kosovo*.
  • Employment potentials analyzed and user-centric models developed towards more inclusive labour markets. Territorial Employment Programme to stimulate green and digital employments developed in North Macedonia. New employment measures designed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • Improved capacity of service providers to ensure implementation of inclusive employment services and innovative models. National Agency for Employment and Skills in Albania supported to design a model for outsourcing of the integrated service delivery. Policy level documents and training materials developed in Serbia for promoting the integration and joint provision of services.


Case Management Guideline for the provision of integrated services to vulnerable jobseekers designed and developed.


collaboration established between labour markets and social welfare systems to provide integrated support to hard-to-employ groups: Software enabling interoperability/automatic data exchange established in Montenegro. Active Inclusion Integration Platform supported in Kosovo*.


potentials analyzed and user-centric models developed towards more inclusive labour markets. Territorial Employment Programme to stimulate green and digital employments developed in North Macedonia. New employment measures designed in Bosnia and Herzegovina.