Slovak Partnership

Public and Private Finance for Development



The project is based on the Public Finance for Development programme launched in 2009 together with the Slovak Ministry of Finance. It was further developed to include a component of private development financing. The Public and Private Finance for Development project was launched in its current extent in 2017, with the ongoing second project phase to be completed in June 2024.

The project also deals with increasing the rate of private financing of development projects and the involvement of the private sector in development cooperation, preferably by supporting the preparation of larger development investment projects and assistance in finding financing for these projects. The support is implemented through a dedicated Resource Mobilization Facility. 


  • Strengthen the capacities of national public finances in partner countries by effectively providing Slovak knowledge and experience
  • Increase the capacity of the private sector to participate in development cooperation in order to mobilize financial resources, knowledge, expertise and technology
  • Strengthen the capacities of Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic officials in the management of Slovak development cooperation

Major Achievements

  • 27 concrete initiatives to support the public finances management reform or improvement launched in five countries.
  • 74 policies, laws, recommendations, etc. have been developed for governments in partner countries related to public finances at the national and/or local level. Most of them were adopted or are under the process of adoption.
  • 52 solutions (feasibility studies, sectoral studies, financing models, etc.) developed through RMF funding were ready. Based on them, 9 investment projects were implemented.



initiatives to support the public finances management reform or improvement launched in five countries.


policies, laws, recommendations,

have been developed for governments in partner countries related to public finances at the national and/or local level.



(feasibility studies, sectoral studies, financing models, etc.) developed through RMF funding were ready.