Our focus
Next generation UNDP
Today's development challenges are complex and each context is different. That's why we tailor our work to fit the needs of the countries and communities we serve.
UNDP's Strategic Plan (2018-2021) has been designed to be responsive to the wide diversity of the countries we serve. The diversity is reflected in three broad development contexts: eradicating poverty; structural transformations; and building resilience.
Three development settings

Eradicate poverty in all its forms and dimensions

Accelerate structural transformations

Build resilience to shocks and crises
To respond to these issues, and better focus its resources and expertise to deliver on the 2030 Agenda, UNDP has identified a set of approaches that we call our Signature Solutions.
Six Signature Solutions
Signature Solutions are integrated responses to development against which we align our resources and expertise, to make real impact.
Keeping people out of POVERTY
GOVERNANCE for peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Crisis prevention and increased RESILIENCE
ENVIRONMENT: nature-based solutions for development
Clean, affordable ENERGY
Women's empowerment and GENDER equality
Each Solution includes a mix of policy advice, technical assistance, finance, and programmes. Each solution has the potential to unlock the path to sustainable development. But no one solution will succeed on its own. We need all of them to achieve the SDGs.
Global Policy Network
UNDP’s Global Policy Network (GPN) is a network of global experts and practitioners, from local to global, anchored by the Bureau for Policy and Programme Support and the Crisis Bureau. The GPN is a cutting-edge provider of timely development advice, delivering support to Country Offices and programme countries in a coherent manner to connect countries to the world of knowledge, resources and networks of best practice they need to achieve development breakthroughs.
Our work
As we implement our new plan for a new era, see how we've been building on our strengths and presence on the ground in close to 170 countries and territories during more than five decades of action.