The 16th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

Event Details
October 21, 2024
November 1, 2024
Cali, Valle Del Cauca, Colombia Venue: Centro de Eventos Valle del Pacifico
COP16 Theme: Peace with Nature
Official website:
COP16 was the first Biodiversity COP since the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework. During COP 16, governments reviewed the progress made to implement the Global Biodiversity Framework, as well as the level of alignment of National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) with the Plan. At COP16, governments further negotiated the monitoring framework, advanced resource mobilization (in particular how the implementation will be financed), and worked to finalize the multilateral mechanism on fair and equitable Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) from the use of digital sequence information on genetic resources.
Attended by participants from over 190 countries, COP16 brought together governments, observer organizations, indigenous communities, businesses, youth groups, civil society, academia, and the general public.

COP16 can be seen as the ‘first implementation COP’. This means that it was the COP where various actors - from governments to non-state actors like indigenous communities, youth groups, businesses, financial institutions and civil society - came together to share progress to date and explore plans for the future to contribute to the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Countries are expected to submit updated National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs) this year.
Many governments are taking steps to update and assess, commit, transform and disclose their actions on nature, including at the sectoral level, and by developing a nature strategy. Achieving the goals of the Global Biodiversity Framework, and halting and reversing nature loss by 2030 will require collective action.