Video library
Our video library is home to a rich, growing range of content - from full length Nature for Life Hub sessions to short explainer videos and individual global, regional and country project videos

Putting nature at the heart of development, we are working with governments and people around the world to secure a better, more sustainable, more equitable future through an inclusive green transition.
By putting nature at the centre of our development agenda, UNDP leverages our convening power, thought leadership, multi-sectoral expertise, and the UN’s largest portfolio of on-the-ground sustainable development programming and policy solutions.
We work with a broad network of partners to safeguard the natural capital that underpins our well-being, our economies and our societies.
Our flagship initiatives are the key programmes and vehicles that will enable us to mobilize partners and accelerate action to protect nature and unleash nature’s potential to create a more sustainable and equitable world.
The Nature Pledge is our commitment to upscale support to over 140 countries to reach their ambitious targets and goals under the Global Biodiversity Framework and the Sustainable Development Goals. The Nature Pledge focuses on 3 system shifts: a Value Shift; an Economic and Finance Shift; and a Policy and Practice Shift. These shifts are essential to halt biodiversity loss and to secure a planetary safety net for humanity.
Through stronger partnerships and country support, the Nature Pledge will advance three transformative shifts to protect biodiversity, enhance the resilience of ecosystems, and harness the power of nature towards achieving the ambitious goals agreed upon in the Global Biodiversity Framework and the 2030 Agenda.
UNDP is committed to deliver major systems changes that will shift the needle on our nature crisis, leveraging our global programme portfolio in 170 countries. These stories of impact highlight how lives and ecosystems are being transformed.
UNDP Nature blogs are written by global experts covering field stories, interviews, and insights from around the world examining the ways in which we can meaningfully put nature at the heart of development.
The latest news and articles from our nature work.
Read the latest publications from our nature work
Our relationship with our natural world is broken. We are currently using resources equivalent to 1.7 Earths, far beyond what the planet can regenerate. Every day, more and more people are getting involved in environmental action. But while many terms and concepts related to biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution will be familiar, many are also complicated, and it can be hard to identify what information is most important. Everyone deserves to have a voice, but this is difficult without a common understanding of the terms used to discuss what’s happening. That is why, following the popularity of the Climate Dictionary, we have produced this Nature Edition, a guide to the most frequently used and important terms and concepts, keeping the facts but leaving out the jargon. We invite you to read it, bookmark it, and share it with anyone who might find it useful.
Our video library is home to a rich, growing range of content - from full length Nature for Life Hub sessions to short explainer videos and individual global, regional and country project videos.
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