COP15: The UN Biodiversity Conference


December 7, 2022 -
December 19, 2022

Montreal, Canada

We know that degrading ecosystems could trigger a downward spiral of US$2.7 trillion in global Gross Domestic Product by 2030.

UNDP supports communities including indigenous people at every level, with new funding totaling $189 million to support more than 140 countries around the world to meet and implement their ambitious nature and biodiversity targets under the new Global Biodiversity Framework agreed at COP15, leveraging a nature portfolio of $3.2 billion across the continents.

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Despite ongoing efforts, biodiversity is deteriorating worldwide, and this decline is projected to worsen with business-as-usual. The loss of biodiversity comes at a great cost for human well-being and the global economy.  

The UN Biodiversity Conference is the most significant conference on biodiversity in a decade. It will see the adoption of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. The framework provides a strategic vision and a global roadmap for the conservation, protection, restoration and sustainable management of biodiversity and ecosystems for the next decade. 









Schedule of Events:


Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF-EAS) help desk

7 - 15 December

All day, outside of 517A


Exhibition of biodiversity finance solutions from Thailand

7 - 19 December

All day, exhibition booth #501, Room 220AB


Wednesday, 7 December

GEF support to the development and implementation of Biodiversity Finance Plans(link is external)


GRULAC Meeting Room, 511A-D


Tools and solutions for the implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF): enhancing synergies and cooperation(link is external)


African Group Meeting Room, 511BE


Thursday, 8 December

SPACES coalition: The role of spatial planning in delivering on targets for climate and nature(link is external)


African Group Meeting Room, 511BE


Georgia towards repurposing harmful agricultural subsidies and developing biodiversity-positive incentives(link is external)


GRULAC Meeting Room, 511A-D


Alignment of financial flows: Channeling public and private investment towards nature(link is external)


JUSCANZ Meeting Room, 510C


Friday, 9 December

Aligning finance and economic incentives towards biodiversity goals and targets, including environmentally harmful support(link is external)


Youth Meeting Room, 513B


Egypt's contribution towards the adoption and implementation of the post-2020 GBF(link is external)


Marie Khan Woman's Caucus Meeting Room, 513A


Saturday, 10 December

Post-2020 GBF: Chinese Business in Action(link is external)


African Group Meeting Room, 511BE


Increasing the Nature Alignment of Global Finance


Place Quebec


Realizing the right to a healthy environment: UN system contributions to integrating human rights in biodiversity action(link is external)


Business and Industry Organizations Meeting Room, 514A


Reform and practice of national parks and nature reserve system


China Pavilion


Sunday, 11 December

GBF Early Action Support - GEF Project-Inception Meeting(link is external)


African Group Meeting Room, 511B


Sovereign debt for Nature: A mapping of feasibility for debt repurposing for nature-positive outcomes


Place Quebec


COP15 Youth and Community Engagement Festival: Changing the World – Campaigns for Conservation


EVO Plaza Centre Ville


Invest in nature: High-level dialogue of partnership of biodiversity and finance


Finance Action Zone


Monday, 12 December

Multi-stakeholder participation in biodiversity conservation and sustainable use: exploration and practices


China Pavilion, #4400


Nature: the next frontier for finance (The Little Book and Into the Wild launch)


Ernst & Young Office


Tuesday, 13 December

Strengthen local biodiversity actions – practices and contributions from China


Cities Action Pavilion (Place Quebec)


Access and benefit sharing in Brazil: innovations of the new legislation and the National Management System for Genetic Heritage and Associated Traditional Knowledge – SisGen(link is external)


Asia and the Pacific Meeting Room, 511C-F


Biodiversity conservation activities of Türkiye(link is external)


Room Youth Meeting Room, 513B


Protecting Viet Nam's natural heritage while reducing threats to priority species and ecosystems of global and regional significance


Room 512E, Convention and Exhibition Centre


GEF Indigenous Peoples Advisory Group (IPAG) review of partnerships with Indigenous Peoples


GEF Pavilion


Business and Biodiversity Day Reception


Action Zone, 710B


Wednesday, 14 December

Finance and Biodiversity Day: VIP Breakfast


Action Zone, Room 710A


Finance and Biodiversity Day plenary 2: (link is external)

Leveraging opportunities and overcoming challenges for financial flows alignment and resources mobilization - greening the finance and financing the green(link is external)


Multipurpose Room 210A


From the Aichi Targets to the post-2020 GBF: expanding global partnerships to recognize the role of Indigenous Peoples and local communities’ territories and areas (ICCAs) for biodiversity conservation and human well-being(link is external)


Side-event 2, 512F


Forest ecosystem restoration - a crucial piece of the new GBF(link is external)


Youth Meeting Room, 513B


Finance and Biodiversity Day Breakout Session 1: Mainstreaming biodiversity within public policies - ongoing initiatives and achievements(link is external)


Action Zone, Multipurpose Room 210A and Contact Room 230A


Finance and Biodiversity Day: Breakout Session 3: Developing nature-positive pathways to align financial flows - building on synergies with net zero pathways(link is external)


Action Zone, Multipurpose Room 210A and Contact Room 230A


Innovative solutions that work: Sustainable financing


Nature Positive Pavilion


The integration of city and nature, the intersection of estuary and ocean


China Pavilion


GEF Small Grants Programme (SGP) 30th Anniversary


GEF Pavilion


Ecological civilization: Chinese approach for harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature(link is external)


China Pavilion


Finance and Biodiversity Day Reception and launch of IKI TNFD Support Project(link is external)


Action Zone, Room 710B


United for a decade of conservation action #ForCoral


InterContinental Hotel


Thursday, 15 December

High level segment opening plenary(link is external)


High level segment plenary room, fifth floor at the Palais des Congrès


Innovations in coral reef finance


Le Westin Hotel


GEF support to implementation of the Nagoya Protocol


GEF Partnership Pavilion


United Nations heads of agencies dialogue: pledging commitments to implement the Common Approach to Biodiversity and the post-2020 GBF


Place Quebec


Unveiling the first Nature 4 Health investments for preventing pandemics together(link is external)


Side-event 1, 512E


The launching of the phase 2 of the Japan Biodiversity Fund (JBF) and Japan’s contributions for the implementation of the post-2020 GBF(link is external)


Side-event 2, 512F


Friday, 16 December

Forum on biodiversity and energy revolution(link is external)


Side-event 1, 512E


10 years of Biodiversity Finance Plans – stories from the field(link is external)


Asia and the Pacific Meeting Room, 511C-F


COMDEKS Phase 4: contribution of the Satoyama Initiative to the Post-2020 GBF(link is external)


Business and Industry Organizations Meeting Room, 514A