FACS Community

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The Food & Agricultural Commodity Systems Community (FACS Community) builds on the neutral convening power of UNDP to serve the learning needs of nearly 700 project practitioners, global change makers, sector specialists and local leaders from government, business, international organizations, and civil society. 

With members from 34 countries working on 12 food and agricultural commodities, our FACS Community supports the capacity development and knowledge management needs of a range of global and regional programmes, such as the Good Growth Partnership(link is external), the World Bank’s Food Systems, Land Use and Restoration Impact Program (FOLUR)(link is external), and the SECO Sustainable Landscape Programme in Indonesia (SLPI).

The FACS Community is more than technical learning. It focuses on advancing progressive practices and innovative systemic solutions in effective collaborative action and food systems governance, as well as promoting proven technical solutions in integrated landscape management, sustainable value chains, restoration, gender responsiveness, etc.

With an emphasis on South-South knowledge exchanges, the FACS Community hosts and moderates several collaborative digital spaces to shape, share and learn what works in transforming food and agricultural commodity systems. These customizable digital spaces enable global and regional programmes to welcome, coordinate, support and improve the effectiveness of their country teams and stakeholders who are widely dispersed around the world.

It is not just a learning platform - through these dedicated digital spaces, the FACS Community supports the provision of important programmatic functions such as project management, needs assessment, technical support; access to guidance documents; as well as learning and capacity building events; south-south knowledge exchanges, and overall knowledge management.

Our FACS Community is driven by its members: every year learning and capacity building events are determined by needs assessments and consultation with members.

For further information:

Please contact the Community Team: facscommunity@undp.org