National Partners

Governments in the countries where we work have the ultimate responsibility to lead the transformation towards sustainable food production. In many cases their national economy is the key driver, particularly in countries highly dependent on commodity exports.

FACS helps governments to step up their engagement with increasingly dynamic private sector and civil society groups and to lead a variety of dialogues and multi stakeholder processes, including the National Commodity Platforms. Working not only between government and other stakeholders but also inter-ministerially within government, UNDP brings all parties to the table to collaborate.

We support governments to produce sustainable policies based on research, analysis, and agreement on best national farming practices.

By taking up a whole-of-government-approach, FACS work involves all relevant government institutions in key decision-making processes and depending on the commodity, focuses it work on focal Ministries.

  • In Costa Rica, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Environment and Energy are leading the National Platform for the Responsible Production and Trade of Pineapple.
  • In Indonesia, the Ministry of Agriculture leads the Palm Oil Platform., which was established through an inter-ministerial collaboration of 14 ministries facilitated by FACS;
  • In Paraguay, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the National Forestry Institute and the Secretariat of Environment jointly lead the National and Alto Paraná department Soy and Beef
  • In Peru, we are working with the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation and the Ministry of Environment to develop a framework for sustainable palm oil production; and also to set up a National Coffee Platform.