Earth Day 2024 in Senaki, Georgia



'EU4Dialogue: Support to Conflict Transformation in the South Caucasus and the Republic of Moldova' is a joint initiative of European Union (EU) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) under the EU-funded EU4Dialogue programme. The multicomponent EU4Dialogue Programme supports initiatives fostering an environment for dialogue and people-to-people contact in the respective Eastern Partnership countries. With an overall budget of EUR 9.1 million, the project is committed to reach out to the most vulnerable conflict-affected populations and improving the quality of people’s daily lives. In this way the project ensures that no one is left behind and without adequate support. All activities are designed to drive progress towards gender equality and improve the prospects of children and youth.

What We Do

EU4Dialogue works towards enabling sustainable community-led initiatives and improving the quality of life of communities in the South Caucasus and Moldova, including, where possible, in conflict regions, among refugees, IDPs, residents of villages along the dividing lines, and conflict-affected societies at large.

The project consists of two activities:

  1. competitive grant scheme to support CSO initiatives and peer-to-peer expert exchanges aiming at improving living standards for conflict-affected communities;
  2. flexible facility designed to promote conflict transformation by delivering works and supplies to respond to priority needs identified in the course of the EU4Dialogue implementation.

The competitive grant scheme supports hands-on community-level grants that are designed, selected, and implemented addressing grassroots priorities. Grants usually combine “soft” and “hard” components aiming at community investments in line with the “leave no one behind” imperative of the Sustainable Development Goals. The Calls for Proposals aim to reach out and engage grassroot actors beyond the “usual suspects”.

To enhance the capacity of CSOs, the Project Team organizes tailored trainings for grassroot actors, including study tours, to give target groups exposure to and experience in local and international best practices in conflict-sensitive participatory approaches and in community-led development.

The EU4Dialogue flexible facility provides opportunity to respond to emerging needs identified through political dialogue, one of three components of EU4Dialogue, or other EU and non-EU conflict transformation initiatives.

expected results

  • Over 100 small targeted local initiatives across the South Caucasus in support of conflict-affected communities, reaching out to both women and men;
  • Capacity development support to empower grassroots actors;
  • Facilitation of contacts among professionals and experts across dividing lines to find solutions to shared living-standard challenges;
  • Identification and implementation of strategic conflict transformation interventions through works and supplies.

Contact information

Contact person

Giorgi Vardishvili

UNDP Crisis Prevention & Recovery Team Leader