UNDP’s Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team (ROLSHR) is situated within UNDP’s Crisis Bureau as part of UNDP’s Global Policy Network (GPN). The team operates through the Global Programme for Strengthening the Rule of Law, Human Rights, Justice and Security for Sustainable Peace and Development (Global Programme).
UNDP’s Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team consists of strategic leadership, monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) unit, programme support unit, global thematic specialists in the areas of rule of law, justice, security and human rights, and regional advisors who are located in each of UNDP’s five regional hubs in Addis Ababa, Amman, Bangkok, Istanbul and Panama.
The Rule of Law, Security and Human Rights team maintains a wide range of strategic alliances and partnerships in support of a development approach to the promotion and protection of the rule of law and human rights.
The Justice Futures CoLab explores, innovates and acts to address both long-standing justice challenges in areas such as access to justice (civil, criminal, and customary and informal justice), constitutional assistance, transitional justice and gender justice; and emerging justice challenges, such as those linked to rapidly developing technologies (digitalization) and triple planetary crisis.
Human rights are a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world. Human rights are central to UNDP support to achieve the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals as well as other commitments agreed by Member States. Addressing the root causes of human rights violations, especially in crisis and fragile contexts, is a vital investment to promote peace, justice and inclusive institutions and governance approaches throughout the spectrum of UNDP development assistance.
When businesses respect human rights, progress is galvanized toward achieving the 2030 Agenda.
GFP reinforces the One-UN approach at the global and national levels to address violent conflicts, protect human rights and restore justice and security for conflict-affected people. This arrangement is co-chaired by UNDP and the UN Department of Peace Operations (DPO).
Security services, when operating in line with the human rights-based approach, underpin social and economic development, and protect sustainability efforts. Only strong and legitimate institutions can address and prevent the evolving landscape of insecurity characterized by violence, crime, and terrorism – often exacerbated by weak governance, low resilience and climate change. In that sense, human security offers an integrated and multidimensional conceptual framework that promotes a people-centered approach to security systems.
The 2021 Annual Report of the Global Programme details UNDP’s contributions to strengthen the rule of law and human rights in crisis-affected contexts and progress achieved with our partners at the global, regional, and country/territory levels.
UNDP’ Annual Meeting on Rule of Law and Human Rights brings together Member States, practitioners, UNDP and UN experts, Ministerial-level national counterparts, as well as representatives from think tanks, academia, and civil society. It promotes an exchange on the current development context in relation to rule of law, security and human rights, and provides the opportunity to unpack challenges, explore lessons learnt, and foster cross-regional learning.
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