2004 Ghana Human Development Report


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2004 Ghana Human Development Report

May 5, 2016

The 2004 Ghana National Human Development Report was based on the theme, ‘Breaking the HIV/AIDS Chain: A Human Development Challenge’. The report recognizes the fact that HIV/AIDS is not only a health problem but a crucial development problem. The report presents the various initiatives that are being taken to combat the disease, highlighting especially the best practices, but also noting the less effective methods.

The main message in the report is that despite a relatively low prevalence rate at present (3.6%), Ghana is likely to follow the fate of other African countries presently rocked by the disease unless unusual or innovative steps are taken to halt the disease through adoption of multi-sectoral and multi-disciplinary approaches to the management and study of HIV/AIDS and the dissemination of information about the disease. UNDP played the lead role in the production of the report in collaboration with UNFPA and ISSER of the University of Ghana, Legon.

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