Environmental sustainability and policy for Cocoa Production in Ghana

Environmental sustainability and policy for Cocoa Production in Ghana
January 27, 2015
The world’s largest chocolate company, Mondelez, through its Cocoa Life programme is working with Ghana Cocoa Board as well as with NGO partners and cocoa traders, to address sustainability problems in hundreds of Ghana’s cocoa-growing communities. The engagement of companies in the cocoa supply chain is a welcome complement to the efforts of Ghana Cocoa Board to help improve farmer livelihoods and environmental sustainability in cocoa landscapes. In the Environmental Sustainability and Policy for Cocoa Production project (ESP), UNDP is partnering with Mondelez’ Cocoa Life programme to deliver environmentally friendly production practices to thousands of farmers and protect remaining forests against encroachment.
- The ESP project works to mainstream good cocoa production practices in Ghana’s cocoa sector.
- The Green Commodities Programme, UNDP’s initiative to mainstream sustainability in agricultural commodities supply chains worldwide, benefits from extensive experience in implementing activities in the field as well as building public-private partnerships to ensure efficient implementation of the ESP project in Ghana.
- Ghana is the world’s second largest cocoa producing country with annual exports in excess of 800’000 tonnes, or approximately 20% of global cocoa supply.