UNDP’s Integrated Response to COVID-19

April 8, 2020

Working at the heart of the United Nations family and in close coordination with the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is responding to a growing volume of requests of countries to help them prepare for, respond to and recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing particularly on the most vulnerable.

UNDP is fully operational in 170 countries and territories and focused on its COVID-19 response. We are mobilizing all our assets to respond to this unprecedented challenge. We have transferred all critical operations to digital and virtual platforms, allowing our teams to keep working effectively in spite of restrictions to movement and physical interaction.

We are simplifying policies and procedures to assure grater agility, increasing our flexibility to receive and provide services from and to the private sector and other fundings, and are taking steps to guarantee that our front line team is well supported and taken care of while helping countries to get through this crisis.

Our Integrated Approach: Prepare, Respond, Recover

Our response is structured around three objectives: to help countries get prepared and protect people from the pandemic and its impacts, to provide response during the outbreak and collaborate in the recovery from the economic and social impacts in the months ahead. For most countries, these phases will occur simultaneously and are interrelated. The way a country prepares for and responds to the pandemic, for example, will immediately affect the type of recovery that will be needed.

Alongside with UN sister entities, country partners, and civil society, UNDP will ensure gender equality is at the heart of our COVID-19 frontline objectives, priorities and service delivery.

Please access the entire document on UNDP Integrated Response to COVID-19