A partner of choice
From government counterparts to the international community, to the private sector, civil society organizations and the UN family – UNDP Iraq is a trusted partner, working with a range of stakeholders to support sustainable development in Iraq.
The Government of Iraq
UNDP Iraq’s ability to deliver to the highest standard at speed and scale amidst a challenging context makes UNDP the Government of Iraq’s partner of choice. UNDP works across all levels of government across Iraq, including Federal and the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) ministries, Governate line ministries, municipalities, and Local Peace Committees. All activities designed and implemented by UNDP are government-led and owned, ensuring the country’s unique needs are met.
International community
With 30+ donors and an investment of around US $2 billion over the past decade, the international community relies on UNDP to deliver quality development work across its main thematic areas: Stabilization, Social Cohesion, Economic Diversification, Governance and Environment & Climate Change. Together we work closely with other key partners such as the Government of Iraq and civil society to deliver long-term, sustainable development solutions.
UNDP and the UN in Iraq
All of UNDP’s work is carried out in coordination with other UN Agencies, so as to eliminate duplication, cut costs and ensure coherent One UN support for the aims of the Iraq National Development Plan 2018-2022 and the Iraq Vision 2030 for Sustainable Development.
Together, the UN Agencies form one collective UN County Team, who’s overall vision and work is detailed in the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) which drives the planning and implementation of the UN development activities at country level to help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda).
United Nations Country Team
UNDP’s integrator mandate serves both as a foundation for a strong UN development system, and as a key provider of integrated services and platforms for a coordinated approach to the Sustainable Development Goals. In Iraq, UNDP is a key coordinator across the UN Country Team (UNCT). By forging common approaches and finding synergies, UNDP Iraq strives to coordinate all its programing activities in the country with UN Agencies, Funds and Programmes, as well as with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI).
Across the UN Humanitarian Country Team, UNDP Iraq leads the Livelihood cluster to coordinate emergency livelihood activities on the ground and plays a leading role in several joint programming forums including the Priority working Groups under the United Nations Sustainable Development Coordination Framework. UNDP also leads several thematic working groups across its key areas of programming, such as Stabilization, Social Cohesion, Durable Solutions, Environment and Climate Change, Governance, SDGs and Gender Equality.
Private Sector
The private sector can make an important contribution to development In Iraq by fostering innovation, providing new funding streams and promoting entrepreneurship. Fostering private sector development at the scale and pace required to generate revenue to fund public services independent of the oil sector in Iraq is a long-term ambition, and UNDP works closely with the private sector in Iraq to establish an environment for Iraq’s to strengthen and diversify its economy.
Civil Society
After decades of conflict, grassroots organizations in Iraq are integral partners to support the country’s development trajectory. Local voices are necessary to create change in the country, and UNDP Iraq works closely with volunteer organizations, religious leaders, youth and women groups, non-governmental organizations and community-based organizations, as well as communities and citizens acting individually and collectively, to help foster peace and stability, and strengthen Iraq’s development.