About us
The 2023-2027 UNDP Jordan Country Programme focuses on delivering robust interventions that increase people's equal access to sustainable resources, enhance green growth opportunities and advance democratic governance, implementing a portfolio approach cutting across three outcomes focusing on systematic transformation in three priority areas:
- Prosperous and Productive People.
- Green and Safe Future Pathways for climate action.
- Holistic and Transformative Systems/Policies and Capacities across all sectors.
Our Country Programme reinforces Government leadership, ownership, and policies and programmes coordination capacities nationally and sub-nationally. In addition to its strong national and local partners network, UNDP is globally acknowledged as the highest-ranked multilateral on Value for Money and most-influential UN agency by Aid Data (2017); most-transparent UN agency by Aid Transparency; and recognized for upholding Social and Environmental Standards. UNDP enjoys extensive in-country presence; long-standing trust-based relationships with government and partners; and exceptional capacity to develop and implement multisectoral, integrated interventions for diverse contexts pursuing development pathways of partners’ choice.