Gender Equality Seal
Gender Equality Seal
The UNDP Gender Equality Seal is a corporate standard for gender equality that organizations can qualify for and be benchmarked against to receive certification in accordance with best practices on gender equality inside an organization. At UNDP Jordan, the Gender Equality Seal serves as a learning platform to establish baselines, fine-tune strategies, document innovations and showcase the impacts of interventions for gender equality in both programs and operations.
To achieve the Gender Equality Seal in 2019, UNDP Jordan is revising its Gender Equality Strategy to integrate all aspects of programming and operations by translating the UNDP Jordan Country Programme Document (CPD) into concrete actions to guarantee measurable impact against gender equality and women empowerment on the one hand, and mainstreaming gender in the operational arm of UNDP Jordan on the other. Priority areas under the Gender Equality Seal includes mainstreaming gender into procurement, finance, and human resources of UNDP Jordan to achieve gender equality from inside-out.
Since 2011, the Gender Equality Seal has worked with 57 UNDP Country Offices across all regions. To receive a Gender Equality Seal, standards must be met in seven working areas that include management systems, in-house capacities, enabling environment, communications and knowledge management, programs, partnerships, and gender impact/results.