3RP Partners Support to Public Institutions in Jordan

3RP Partners Support to Public Institutions in Jordan

September 15, 2021

Long-term Resilience building is enshrined in the JRP 2020-22 Vision. The Government of Jordan (GoJ) has been generously hosting Syrian refugees for over a decade and continues to demonstrate a strong commitment to ensure provision of public services to registered Syrian refugees. The 2020 update of the Jordan Response Plan to the Syria Crisis re-emphasized the need for international support to not only alleviate the pressure on the host community, but also to contribute to strengthening the government’s institutional capacity to respond to the crisis. 

Partners under the Refugee and Resilience Response Plan (3RP) have been playing a key role to support strengthening public systems by enhancing public institutions’ capacity to develop, plan, and manage their response to refugees and host communities’ needs. Also, 3RP partners have been helping public institutions in the delivery of assistance, by providing material support in terms of equipment and infrastructure, or additional support channeled through public institutions to vulnerable groups.   

UNDP,  in cooperation with FAO, ILO, UNHCR, UNICEF, UNWomen, WFP and WHO, with the support from the Sub-Regional Facility for the Syria Crisis, the UNDP/UNHCR Regional 3RP Secretariat and the generous support from the Government of Finland,  has recently finalized the first Jordan Public Institution Support Tracking (PIST) exercise. This exercise aims at assessing and tracking regularly  funding flows and investments made to and through public institutions to provide a solid basis for the 3RP to continue scaling up its efforts in the area of supporting public institutions’ resilience strengthening to respond to the refugee Syria crisis.

This effort will also help increase coordination with other international stakeholders to ensure the most effective assistance to Jordan in implementing an integrated refugee-resilience response to the Syria crisis.

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