On 22-23 April the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) jointly with the Ministry of National Economy of Kazakhstan organized a 2-day online practical training for the government officials on assessing the alignment of the national budget and strategic plans with SDGs and Agenda 2030. The training was supported by experts from the UNDP Regional Hub in Istanbul.
The key objective of the training was to present a potential approach on aligning unified budget classifications of Kazakhstan with SDG targets based on pre-prepared mapping exercise with special attention to women and child-specific SDG targets and those of predominant vulnerable groups such as pensioners, people with disabilities and poor households.
The training was attended by the practitioners from government bodies engaged in budget and strategic planning such as the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education and Science, Ministry of Health, and other key ministries.
During the training, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub experts Suren Poghosyan and Elena Danilova-Cross shared international experience on SDG planning and budgeting in practice and conducted technical training for practitioners on mapping of budget coding classification with SDG targets.
The event proved to be very beneficial for the representatives of line ministries in terms of exploration of new approaches on SDG budgeting and further aligning of strategic and budgeting processes with SDGs at the country level.
The training was organized within the UN Joint Programme on “Aligning Policy and Financing with SDGs towards and Integrated National Financing Framework in Kazakhstan (INFF)”.