Opening remarks by UNDP Resident Representative Katarzyna Wawiernia at the Inter-Regional Conference

May 29, 2024

Dear Chairman Baimenov,
Dear Director JO,
Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, colleagues,

On behalf of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), let me welcome you to this important inter-regional conference dedicated to Gathering Priorities for Digital Governance and Digital Transformation. 

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of you for joining us today, and a special thanks to the Government of the Republic of Korea, in particular to the Ministry of the Interior and Safety, for their continued commitment to supporting our next joint initiative to foster digital transformation across the public sectors of twelve countries in Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Asia-Pacific regions. 

Allow me also to express my deepest appreciation to Mr. Baimenov and his team for their strong leadership in bringing this initiative to reality. Your dedication and hard work have been instrumental in making this gathering possible.

We all agree that today digitalization is fundamentally changing the context and tools for development. I am proud to say that with this new initiative, we aim to create an enabling environment for digital transformation by leveraging Korea's successful experiences for the benefit of participating countries. Through knowledge sharing, best practices and research, hands-on workshops, and study tours, we will empower public officials of participating countries to navigate the digital transformation of governance systems and provide more responsive and effective services to citizens.

Thus, today's conference is an invaluable opportunity for us to gather insights, share best practices, and identify priorities for advancing digital governance and transformation looking forward. By working together, we can unlock new ways of thinking and cooperating, opening up opportunities also taking into account the benchmarking practices as we have observed in the Republic of Korea.

Photo: UNDP Kazakhstan

Globally, digitalization is central to UNDP’s development strategy. 
In Kazakhstan, UNDP and its national partners are taking a whole-of-society approach that support the design and development of digital ecosystems that are inclusive, transparent, and safe. 
For example, one of our flagship initiatives - the Digital Family Card - helps provide proactive government social support to more than 6 million families of Kazakhstan, building an inclusive, ethical, and sustainable digital society. 
Another great is example is implementing SMART patrolling system in protected areas of Kazakhstan, that helps monitor wildlife and create digital maps of grazing areas for local authorities, leveraging digital solutions for both people and planet. 
The initiatives like these demonstrate our commitment to fostering innovation and sustainable development through digital transformation.
In closing, I encourage each of you to actively participate in the discussions, share your perspectives, and collaborate on forging a path forward. I call on all participating countries and institutions to use the Astana Hub's platform, networks, and collective knowledge to create inclusive and responsible digital solutions for sustainable development for all.
Thank you for your attention.