

At UNDP, evaluation is critical in helping countries achieve the simultaneous eradication of poverty and significant reduction of inequalities and exclusion. By generating objective evidence, evaluation helps UNDP achieve greater accountability and facilitates improved learning from past experience. The evaluations conducted by UNDP fall into two categories: independent evaluations conducted by the Independent Evaluation Office and decentralized evaluations commissioned by programme units including country offices, regional bureaus and practice and policy bureaus.

The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) reports to the UNDP Executive Board. The IEO is governed by the organization's Evaluation Policy and the UNDP Executive Board is the custodian of the policy. The core function of the Independent Evaluation Office is to conduct independent thematic and programmatic evaluations. The Independent Evaluation Office also prepares the Annual Report on Evaluation, sets standards and guidelines on evaluation, monitors compliance on evaluation and shares lessons for improved programming.

To learn more, visit the Independent Evaluation Office(link is external) website