Gender equality

Gender equality is key to a thriving economy and society in Kosovo. Significant progress has been made in advancing gender equality and women’s rights during the last two decades, particularly towards aligning legislation with international standards. However, inequalities in decision-making and leadership, public representation, access to justice, access to education, labour market and economy remain as an impediment to inclusive development. Major concerns also remain with regards to prevalence of gender-based violence and gaps in access to finance and property ownership.

Reflecting upon the present status of Kosovo’s gender equality and women’s empowerment, and in line with the global gender equality offer, UNDP in Kosovo prepared the ‘UNDP Kosovo’s Gender Equality Strategy 2021-2025’ to guide our efforts. It provides entry points to addressing gender inequality through the ongoing programme based on corporate priorities, policies and procedures.

UNDP Kosovo’s Gender Equality Strategy is organized around two pillars. 

Pillar I. UNDP’s Institutional Effectiveness for Gender MainstreamingOutcome 1. UNDP’s ability to mainstream gender perspective in procedures, culture and programme portfolios towards gender equality and women’s empowerment is strengthened and meets the standards of the Gender Seal Programme.
Pillar II. UNDP’s programmatic value proposition on gender equality and women’s empowerment  

Outcome 2. Gender-sensitive, evidence-based, accountable and transparent institutional capacities are supported to ensure equal access to rights, services and opportunities for women and effective protection against all forms of gender-based violence

Outcome 3. Women in all their diversity are empowered to participate in decision-making and assume leadership positions, and harness income generation and employment opportunities in STEM, digital and green economy 


Gender Equality Seal programme 

UNDP in Kosovo has enrolled for UNDP’s Gender Equality Seal certification since 2021.  Gender Focal Team was established to facilitate and monitor the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan to meet the standards as per the Gender Equality Seal Benchmarks. UNDP is committed to mainstreaming gender equality considerations at all levels.


UNDP’s ability to mainstream gender perspective in procedures, culture and programme portfolios towards gender equality and women’s empowerment is strengthened and meets the standards of the Gender Seal Programme 

  • Implement the Gender Equality Strategy and Action Plan and obtain the Gender Equality Seal Programme certification.
  • Improve the internal capacities of staff in gender mainstreaming in the project design, implementation, monitoring and reporting through continuous learning. 
  • Maintain the Gender Parity standards and requirements as per the UN Gender Parity Standards. 


Gender Seal Programme
Gender Seal for Public Institutions in Kosovo being implemented with the Employment Agency


among 1,000 women

who give birth are women adolescent (15-19)


more male babies

are born in every 100 babies, indicating to sex-selective abortions


of parliamentary seats

seats are held by women. The year 2021 was the first year that the percent of women voted was higher than the quota of 30%


of active businesses

in Kosovo are owned by women, 78% by men and 2% jointly


is the employment rate

among women, 45.6% is the employment rate among men - with the average employment rate of 31.1% in 2021


is the inactivity rate

among women, compared to 43.4% among men.


GENDER EQUALITY, one of the key signature solutions for UNDP globally

Gender equality is at the very heart of human rights and United Nations values. It is a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Gender equality is central to the Strategic Plan of UNDP(link is external)  and is one of the six signature solutions of UNDP towards the three directions of change: structural transformation, leaving no one behind and building resilience. 



  • Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025
  • The Six Signature Solutions that UNDP will focus its gender equality and women’s empowerment work are:

        Solution 1 - Poverty and inequality 
        Solution 2 - Governance 
        Solution 3 - Resilience 
        Solution 4 - Environment 
        Solution 5 - Energy 
        Solution 6 – Gender equality 

Utilizing Strategic Innovation, Digitalization and Development Finance as enablers, UNDP will pursue gender mainstreaming and tailor-made interventions in the imlementation of its programme in areas where UNDP has demonstrated results and comparative advantage. Special attention is paid to closing inequity gaps with interventions to achieve women’s empowerment, autonomy, and ability to make choices.