BOOST x Kosovo, an acceleration programme aiming to promote green transition, announced the grant awardees for the first edition of BOOST programme in Kosovo. The programme aims to help businesses tackle global challenges such as pandemics and climate change, and build resilience by embracing sustainable green practices.
The fifteen awardees will be provided 20,000 Euros each to develop innovative solutions that promote sustainable, efficient, and circular business practices for green and sustainable growth – from waste management technologies in agriculture and food production, to ecological and green manufacturing, to smart parking applications, to e-commerce returns reduction using Artificial Intelligence, to digital fashion production for solving overconsumption and overproduction.
BOOST x Kosovo programme was launched in mid-September 2022 to provide opportunities for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and to promote greener growth in the private sector in Kosovo. A total of 50 small and medium enterprises from all across Kosovo were selected to participate.
During the three-month acceleration programme, 50 women and men led SMEs had the opportunity to deepen their understanding and skills through workshops, and individual mentoring sessions on leadership, business, and green transformation. The programme consisted of four training modules: Impact Measurement & Management; Entrepreneurship Business Acceleration; Green Transformation; and Tech and Digital Transformation; and inspirational ‘Tokyo Talks’ with successful entrepreneurs and global leaders from Japan.
The following SMEs are the grantees of the first edition of BOOST x Kosovo:
BOTANIC shpk, Bee Park LLC, Kosovo Glass Recycling, Hana Zeqa SH.P.K, Enchele sh.p.k, Greenergy, Bio365Kosova, GoBeyond, Smart Park LLC, PNC LLC, Eco Solution Research LLC, Masar Tocani b.i, Elea IT SH.P.K, Boronica e Sharrit, SUPERXPLORERS.
UNDP and partners would like to congratulate all graduates for successfully completing the BOOST x Kosovo acceleration programme.
BOOST x Kosovo is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Japan, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), and supported by the Innovation Center Kosovo (ICK). The programme is made possible through the Climate Promise: Growth Through Green and Just Recovery from COVID-19 project, with the aim of ultimately creating new jobs and revitalizing Kosovo’s economy, in response to the consequences of the pandemic.