UNDP launches the BOOST x Kosovo Programme for a sustainable private sector in Kosovo

September 26, 2022


United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Kosovo, in partnership with the Embassy of Japan in Kosovo, launched today BOOST x Kosovo, an acceleration programme to help businesses tackle development challenges and support Kosovo’s private sector to build resilience by embracing sustainable green practices. 

In the presence of Maria Suokko, UNDP Resident Representative, H. E. Keisuke Yamanaka, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Japan in Kosovo, Uranik Begu, ICK Executive Director, representatives of Ministry of Regional Development, Kamenicë/a and Pristina municipalities, EBRD, Business Associations and other guests, the Kosovo BOOST Team presented its curriculum and activities.    

Talking about the importance of the platform, Maria Suokko, Resident Representative emphasized: “Kosovo is going through a rough period, impacted by a socio-economic crisis – further exacerbated by the current global turmoil - without having had the chance to fully recover from the pandemic. BOOST x Kosovo will provide an immediate, comprehensive solution for MSMEs, helping them recover from the Covid-19 through green transition”.

“With an emphasis on sustainable business models, risk management, and catastrophe resilience, BOOST seeks to develop the capacities of up to 50 private companies with a high business potential to transition towards environmental sustainability on a green recovery from the pandemic”, said on this occasion H.E. Keisuke Yamanaka, Chargé d’Affaires a.i. of Japan in Kosovo.  

Uranik Begu, Executive Director at ICK said “BOOST x Kosovo not only will support SMEs from the business perspective but will work closely with them to accelerate their goals in more sustainable way, thus becoming leaders in promoting green and sustainable ways of doing business. This is not only important for their growth, but also for the communities in which their operate.”

BOOST x Kosovo was made possible through the Climate Promise: Growth Through Green and Just Recovery from COVID-19 project, generously funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Japan. It seeks to provide opportunities and address the challenges of greener growth in the private sector. The challenge is open for all small and medium enterprises with innovative solutions that promote sustainable, efficient, and circular business practices. Women entrepreneurs are strongly encouraged to apply and integrate innovation and technology into their businesses. The aim is to ultimately create new jobs and revitalize Kosovo’s economy, in response to the consequences of the pandemic. Winning teams will take part in a 3-month acceleration programme, workshops, and individual mentoring sessions on leadership, business, and green transformation, designed to ensure a smooth roll-out of the solutions they have developed. 

For more information on the open challenge and program visit: 

https://boostimpact.org/challenges/the-kosovo-green-challenge/.(link is external)

BOOST is an acceleration programme, powered by UNDP Europe and Central Asia, boosting social impact innovation, and accelerating the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. BOOST x Kosovo is the local chapter of the programme, launched by UNDP Kosovo and the Embassy of Japan in Kosovo, and implemented in cooperation with ICK. Its first edition aims to support businesses and communities to rebound from COVID-19 and build a climate-resilient future 

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