Young Woodworkers Carving Their Successful Futures

July 30, 2024

This year, UNDP Kosovo marks its 25th anniversary, supporting efforts to achieve the Millennium and the Sustainable Development Goals, leading to a better future for all.

Working closely with Kosovo’s young women and men, through initiatives such as skills development and on-the-job training programmes, has been key to their sustainable integration into the job market.

Ten months ago, Arsim Gashi, a 32-year-old craftsman, began his journey at ‘Woodtec Company’ in Janjevë/Janjevo, learning to build a wooden house from scratch. As an assistant craftsman, he oversaw the house's construction process, ensuring everything went according to plan.

Now, as the house is nearly completed and ready for export. Arsim reflects on his professional growth and acquired skills. "I've always been interested in working with wood, but I didn't realize how much discipline it requires to learn the entire process. Today, I have the skills to build a house from beginning to end," says Arsim.

In 2023, the "Cultural Heritage as a Driver for Economic Revival of Janjevë/Janjevo" project funded by the European Union in Kosovo and the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, implemented by the United Nations Development Programme, included a six-month on-the-job training for six young men of different communities in woodwork and carpentry. Due to the interest from the trainees to continue the training, and the company's need for employees, the training was extended for another six months, until May 2024.

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