EU and UNDP together with the Global Water Partnership of Kyrgyzstan promote the NEXUS approach for climate resilience in Kyrgyzstan

July 1, 2024


Bishkek, 30 June 2024 - More than 30 specialists and heads of ministries and key agencies and organizations learned about an innovative approach to ensure climate resilience in Kyrgyzstan. Within the framework of the regional project Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia funded by the European Union, a two-day training workshop on "Capacity Building of Key Stakeholders and Decision Makers on Climate Change and the Water-Energy-Food Security and Health Nexus (NEXUS)" was held in Kyrgyzstan on June 29-30. 

Participants representing the water sector, agriculture, energy, health, environmental protection, emergency management of Kyrgyzstan, representatives of education and NGOs, academic and youth community familiarized themselves with the innovative approach to ensure climate resilience of Kyrgyzstan within the framework of the NEXUS approach. The seminar program included information on the basic concept of the NEXUS approach, its objectives and benefits, as well as experience of its successful application in different countries. 

Taalaibek Mukashovich Makeev, NEXUS trainer: "The event is dedicated to the opportunity to actualize the interrelation of water with energy, water with food security and such topic as "water and health". The task of the training is to teach representatives of different stakeholder groups to actualize the interconnections and problems in Kyrgyzstan."    

The NEXUS approach represents a fundamental shift from a purely sectoral approach to a cross-sectoral, coordinated and integrated socio-economic development pathway that can be implemented at all levels of government and at any scale. The Nexus provides a framework for dialogue and informed decision-making to achieve environmentally sustainable use of vital resources and can reduce the negative impacts of climate change on the economy, food security and public health. The Nexus is important for the Central Asian region, given the pressing issues of shared water and energy resources, food security, public health and climate change mitigation.   

As noted by Abdybay Shakirbaevich Djailoobaev, Deputy Director of the Water Resources Service under the Ministry of Water Resources, Agriculture and Processing Industry of the Kyrgyz Republic: "The NEXUS approach is very important in order to solve the issues of regional cooperation between neighboring countries in the field of water resources use. Today's event is very important and useful for the staff of ministries and agencies, as well as for representatives of non-governmental organizations, mass media and so on." 

As a result of the training, it is expected that participants representing different target groups will get the fullest understanding of the theory and practice of the "nexus approach" - the water-energy-food security-health nexus in the context of climate change.   

Participants will be trained in methods of identifying weaknesses in the above-mentioned nexus, identifying their causes and consequences, the role of players, building development scenarios and making recommendations to ensure interconnected resilience.  


For media inquiries: Ainagul Abdrakhmanova, UNDP Head of Public Affairs,   


About the project Climate Change and Resilience in Central Asia  

The overall objective of the project is to assist in ensuring stability and developing models for climate-resilient development in the Fergana Valley, a transboundary zone of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Tajikistan and the Republic of Uzbekistan. The project will contribute to increased knowledge of climate risks among stakeholders at local, national and regional levels; promote risk communication for decision-making and management of transboundary resources; and support the implementation of practical risk reduction measures.