General information about the Mentorship Programme

Eligibility and requirements

June 12, 2024

The UNDP project “Aid for Trade in Central Asia” (hereinafter referred to as the Project) aims to support inclusive and sustainable growth by promoting targeted green value chains (VACs) and improving the competitiveness of the Kyrgyz economy. The project contributes to the development of sustainable, secure and gender-sensitive economic structures by diversifying the economy, adapting to new market trends and empowering women and youth.

In collaboration with the JIA business association, the project is launching a Mentorship Programme aimed at developing women and youth entrepreneurship, including the inclusion of people with disabilities, within the framework of the following four VACs selected by the project in target areas:

  • Dried fruits, dried berries and nuts: Jalal-Abad, Batken and Issyk-Kul regions,
  • Adventure Tourism: Jalal-Abad, Issyk-Kul and Osh regions,
  • Natural honey: Osh, Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions,
  • Handicraft products, felt and leather products: Osh, Batken, Naryn and Issyk-Kul regions.

Objective of the Mentorship Programme: Implementation of a comprehensive and interconnected Mentorship Programme aimed at empowering women and youth employed in the four above-mentioned target VDCs, with a focus on increasing export competitiveness, increasing production and sales volumes, creating new gender-sensitive jobs and inclusion people with disabilities.

Objectives of the Mentorship Programme:

  • Strengthening the capacity of participants by providing mentoring support to increase the competitiveness and export potential of entrepreneurs and improve business skills.
  • Expanding access to innovative and environmental technologies by providing grant support for sustainable business development in target sectors/VOCs.
  • Promoting networking and exchange of experiences through events and platforms, creating conditions for the formation of a strong community of women entrepreneurs.
  • Increase awareness of export opportunities and international cooperation by providing up-to-date information on trends in international markets, requirements and procedures for successful export development.

Competition for participation: The Mentorship Programme announces an open competition among women and youth from the target regions of the project engaged in entrepreneurship in the above-mentioned venture funds.

Selection of participants

- mentors : Successful entrepreneurs with significant experience, interested in providing support and valuable business advice.

- mentees : Entrepreneurs (micro, small and medium-sized enterprises) from the target regions of the project who need expert assessment of their business and recommendations for launching or promoting their entrepreneurial projects.

Benefits for mentors :

  • Contribute to the socio-economic empowerment of local communities.
  • Share successful experiences and lessons learned.
  • Receive professional training and mentorship from international experts.
  • Expand professional networks and establish valuable business connections.

Benefits for mentees :

  • Receive mentoring support to improve business skills and strategies.
  • Receiving practical advice and recommendations for business development.
  • Access to innovative and environmental technologies thanks to grant support.
  • Participation in networking and partnership building activities.
  • Raising awareness of export opportunities and international cooperation.

The terms of participation :

Mentors :

  • Minimum five years of entrepreneurial experience.
  • Commitment to social and economic empowerment of local communities.
  • Willingness to share knowledge and business skills, preferably in targeted VACs.
  • Interest in implementing the goals and objectives of the Mentorship Programme.


  • Women or young people ( 18-35 years old) from the target regions of the project.
  • Legally registered as LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • Open to expert assessment and new connections for professional development.
  • They need recommendations from experienced experts to solve business problems and increase competitiveness.
  • They strive to create new jobs, paying special attention to women and people with disabilities.
  • They strive to increase export sales in targeted venture capital companies.
  • We are ready to participate in co-financing of at least 50% of the requested amount of grant support.

Selection process

We are committed to providing a transparent and fair selection process to select the most promising and motivated entrepreneurs to participate in the Mentorship Program. Potential participants will be selected through an open call for applications and after assessing their suitability to the program criteria and objectives.

Submitting an application

Interested parties must complete an online application by following the appropriate link:

To apply as a mentee go here.

To apply as mentor go here

Application deadline: 18:00, 21 June 2024.

For more information, please contact or phone +996 (990) 000 269.

Incomplete applications will not be accepted!