Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
Intended Nationally Determined Contribution
November 8, 2017
Lao PDR was the first ASEAN country to ratify the Paris Agreement by agreeing on an INDC, with the support of UNDP utilizing funds from GEF.
Lao PDR has identified a number of actions which it intends to undertake in order reduce its future GHG emissions, subject to the provision of international support. Details of the mitigation actions, implementation plans and support needs are outlined in this report on Lao PDR’s INDC.
Climate change is already affecting the livelihoods, food security, water supply and health of much of the country’s population. The frequency and intensity of climate related hazards such as droughts and floods are expected to increase in future, therefore Lao PDR must also urgently take steps to build its resilience by enhancing its adaptation efforts across all sectors. This report introduces a detailed summary of the vulnerabilities to climate change and the adaptation actions proposed to address them.