
Grassroots Data Collection

Project Owner: AccLab LAC - Argentina

This innovative solution facilitates the decentralized collection of data pertaining to grassroots solutions, emphasizing cost-efficiency and expedited work cycles. It leverages a network of volunteers who actively engage in the process by conducting semi-structured interviews and surveys.  


These volunteer mappers receive vital support through specialized induction sessions that equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge. These sessions cover fundamental topics such as what defines a grassroots solution, the proficient handling of data collection instruments, and the art of conducting insightful interviews. This comprehensive training empowers the volunteers, ensuring they are well-prepared and capable of effectively carrying out their data collection tasks.  

The process doesn't stop there once the data collection phase is completed. Instead, it transitions into a collective intelligence exercise. This phase fosters an environment where the community mappers can collaborate and share their experiences, insights, and findings. This collaborative approach enhances the quality and depth of the gathered data, as diverse perspectives and experiences contribute to a more holistic understanding of grassroots solutions.  

This solution operates on the principles of inclusivity, decentralization, and community engagement. Mobilizing a network of dedicated volunteers, offering them the necessary training and support, and fostering a collaborative spirit enables collecting valuable data about grassroots solutions in an efficient, cost-effective, and insightful manner. This approach empowers volunteers and strengthens the collective knowledge and understanding of grassroots initiatives, ultimately benefiting the broader community. 


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