Launches Monitor on Digital

Violence Against Women

PROJECT OWNER: AccLab LAC – Uruguay 

Using a gender tracker to help municipalities understand, track and inform public policy related to gender violence 


With the aim of generating evidence to contribute to the design of public policies and actions to prevent and eradicate gender-based violence, the National Women's Institute (INMUJERES), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with the support of the British Embassy in Uruguay, are launching a monitor on digital violence against Uruguayan women  

Using artificial intelligence classification tools, the monitor provides accessible real-time evidence, with daily updates, on the level of aggression and insults received by public figures such as women politicians, journalists, communicators, activists, and artists on Twitter. Its reports include the analysis of the number of aggressions received and the most frequent types of aggressions. 

The monitor took a sample of 180 active Twitter accounts of women with leadership in opinion and public visibility, and more than 3,000 followers. For example, from March 1st to November 24th, 2022, it can be observed that 11% of the tweets directed at women in this sample are violent (105,310 out of a total of 988,188). 

To measure online violence, all derogatory expressions, mockery, disqualifications, or challenges to the value of women were considered, generally related to their personality and/or qualities (including mental, physical, or emotional capabilities). Threats and accusations of acting with bad intentions were also considered. 


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