PROJECT OWNER: AccLab LAC - Ecuador 

The Rural Basket is based on the premise of using real-time climate information to help agricultural producers adapt to the climate. It has 136 weather stations.  


The Rural Basket is a cooperative association of more than 120 people, primarily women and young farmers from Comasagua, La Libertad, dedicated to producing and marketing organic products such as vegetables, aromatic herbs, fruits, and eggs. This project seeks to build a space to enhance agroecology, food sovereignty, and climate action activities.  

For the development of climate information products, community immersion will be used, with a process that has started with visits to plots and participatory workshops focused on people to understand current practices and identify climate information needs. Additionally, traditional and non-traditional real-time data will be used, such as collecting georeferenced information, delving into the characteristics of the plots and their crops, and climate change and its effects, among other topics. All this will serve as inputs to test prototypes of climate products.  

Climate products combine data, climate knowledge, and appropriate communication channels to add value to the user population. These can be periodic climate bulletins, flood hazard and vulnerability maps for agricultural production, manuals on climate-informed agriculture, mobile applications, videos, and documentaries, among others. 

The Acceleration Laboratory will continue working until the end of 2023 with The Rural Basket to test climate products, with the goal of making these tools available to producers for adaptation to climate change. 


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