Unlocking the potential of free

connectivity in public spaces

Project Owner: UNDP El Salvador – AccLab El Salvador 

The UNDP Accelerator Lab in El Salvador, in collaboration with the Salvadoran Tourism Institute (ISTU), embarked on an innovative initiative to introduce free Wi-Fi connectivity into one of the largest national parks in the country. This pilot project aimed to assess the local benefits generated by the deployment of Wi-Fi networks in public spaces, with a specific focus on Parque Balboa, also known as Balboa Park. Situated approximately 7 miles from the Historic Center of San Salvador, the capital city, Parque Balboa has been a cherished natural area open to the public since 1949. 


Parque Balboa holds a special place in the hearts of Salvadorans, drawing in more than 40 thousand visitors each month. Its vast natural spaces, trails, playgrounds, and opportunities for sports and cultural activities make it a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Additionally, the park boasts a rich culinary scene, offering traditional dishes that attract visitors seeking an authentic Salvadoran experience. Furthermore, the park serves as a vital economic hub for numerous micro and small businesses, many of which are owned and operated by women. These businesses span various sectors, including food and beverage, handicrafts, and other locally-sourced products. 

As part of the pilot project, intelligent Wi-Fi layers were implemented within Parque Balboa to collect data and conduct experiments aimed at revitalizing public spaces, promoting the adoption of digital tools and behaviors, and providing recommendations for enhancing public space utilization and supporting local businesses. By leveraging Wi-Fi connectivity and data analysis, the project sought to create a more vibrant and inclusive environment within the park, fostering economic opportunities for local entrepreneurs while enhancing the overall visitor experience. 

Through this innovative collaboration between the UNDP Accelerator Lab, ISTU, and local stakeholders, Parque Balboa emerged as a model for leveraging technology to enhance public spaces and support sustainable tourism development. The insights and learnings gained from this pilot project have the potential to inform future initiatives aimed at promoting economic growth, fostering community engagement, and preserving natural and cultural heritage sites across El Salvador. 


This article was originally published at: https://www.undp.org/acceleratorlabs/blog/unlocking-potential-free-connectivity-public-spaces 


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