CAF and UNDP present proposals to strengthen governance in Latin America and the Caribbean

Through four regional dialogues and the participation of more than 100 regional leaders, the mechanisms, and institutional transformations necessary to accelerate sustainable, inclusive, and resilient development in the region were identified.

September 26, 2024

New York - September 26, 2024. CAF -development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean- and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) presented “Governance for development in Latin America and the Caribbean: Recommendations from CAF and UNDP dialogues” which offers suggestions on how to collectively advance in the construction of solutions and paths towards a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future for Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).

The proposals arise from four subregional dialogues that brought together more than 100 representatives from various sectors - academia, civil society, community leaders, women, the LGBTI+ community, Afro-descendants, indigenous people, youth, people with disabilities, government officials, journalists, political leaders and the private sector in the region - and which revolved around four axes: legitimacy of democratic institutions, transformation of state capacities, renewal of social contracts and fiscal pacts, and citizen security and peaceful coexistence.

Sergio Díaz-Granados, CAF's Executive President, highlighted the importance of this collective effort: "The proposals we are presenting today are the result of an inclusive and diverse dialogue that reflects the aspirations of our region. We are convinced that strengthening governance is essential to building more just, resilient, and sustainable societies in Latin America and the Caribbean."

The presentation event took place within the framework of the 79th General Assembly of the United Nations and was attended by Laura Chinchilla Miranda, former President of Costa Rica; Eva Granados Galiano, Secretary of State for International Cooperation of Spain; Luz Haro, Executive Secretary, Network of Rural Women of Latin America and the Caribbean – REDLAC; and the President of Guatemala, Bernardo Arévalo.

The discussions allowed for the identification of challenges on each topic and the development of recommendations and public policy guidelines. Participants also made suggestions on how to improve the quality of governance to address the challenges and lay the foundations for building a region that promotes economic growth, environmental sustainability, institutional quality, and social inclusion.

“For UNDP, democracy and human development are two sides of the same coin that reinforce each other: the more democracy, the more human development as a process of expanding freedoms; the more human development, the greater the demand for democratic governance that protects and promotes these freedoms. We are pleased to present this document together with CAF as part of our common agenda and commitment to governance and development in Latin America and the Caribbean, ” said Michelle Muschett, UNDP Regional Director for Latin America and the Caribbean.

These proposals seek, through collective construction, to address the most pressing challenges in the region, lay the foundations for a sustainable future, as well as advance the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) , especially SDG 16, which promotes peaceful and inclusive societies, creating effective institutions and facilitating access to justice for the entire population.

Notes to the editor:

Recording of the launch event in English Spanish

Links to the publication English Spanish 

Video summary of the dialogues

About CAF

CAF, the development bank of Latin America and the Caribbean, aims to promote sustainable development and regional integration by financing public and private sector projects, providing technical cooperation and other specialized services. Established in 1970 and currently made up of 21 countries - 19 from Latin America and the Caribbean, along with Spain and Portugal - and 13 private banks, it is one of the main sources of multilateral financing and an important generator of knowledge for the region. More information at

About UNDP

UNDP is the lead United Nations agency tackling the injustice of poverty, inequality and climate change. Working with a broad global network of experts and partners in 170 countries, UNDP helps nations develop impactful, integrated and sustainable solutions by and for people and the planet.

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