Graph For Thought is a series of technical articles that shows data illustrating how different economic, social or environmental problems are taking shape in the region.
- Disenchanted Youth, Debilitated Democracies
- The changing faces of poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Missed Connections: An incomplete digital revolution in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Running Dry: Addressing Water Stress in LAC
- Coded Bias: The underrepresentation of women in STEM in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Riding the Digital Wave: Will Latin America and the Caribbean take its shot at reshaping productivity?
- The Missing Piece: Valuing women's unrecognized contribution to the economy
- A Rollercoaster Ride: The ups and down of the economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
- In Whom Do We Trust? Less in institutions and more in communities in LAC
- Too Slow and Not Steady: But with concrete actions, LAC can still accelerate progress to achieve the SDGs
- An Epidemic on the Move: The shifting landscape of citizen security in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Crossing Borders: The unprecedented growth of migration within Latin America and the Caribbean
- "El costo de la vida sube otra vez": The unabated increase in the cost of food in Latin America and the Caribbean
- "With Me or Against Me": The intensification of political polarization in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Who Cares for Women? Towards comprehensive care systems in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Life of the Parties? The anger vote and the weakening of political parties in LAC
- Finding the Unicorn: Investing in innovation-led growth in LAC
- Lithium in Latin America: A new quest for "El Dorado"?
- Más claro que el agua: Water management and governance in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Hirschman in the Tropics: Social tensions, COVID-19, and social unrest in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Learning from the Recent Past to Build Forward: Five COVID-19 lessons for recovery
- What We Knew Then, What We Know Now: Looking back on COVID-19 in 5 Charts
- Easier Said than Done: Gaps in the vaccination process in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Closed Schools: Big and unequal learning losses in LAC
- Justice Delayed: Four out of ten people are imprisoned without conviction in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Gender Penalties of the Pandemic: The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on women's labor market outcomes
- COVID-19 and Wealth at the Top: More and wealthier billionaires after the crisis in LAC
- Small Businesses, Big Impacts: Supporting productive SMEs as un engine of recovery in LAC
- "You're on Mute": Why internet access is not enough for insuring inclusive digitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Virus and the Votes: How Is COVID-19 changing voter turnout in LAC?
- A Race Against the Virus: An early look at the state of COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in LAC
- 30 Years of Human Development in LAC in 5 Graphics
- Stand by Me: COVID-19 and the resilience of remittance flows to LAC
- Is Being Middle Income a Precondition?: The "syndemic" of chronic disease, social inequality, and COVID-19 in LAC
- No Safer Place than Home?: The increase in domestic and gender-based violence during COVID-19 lockdowns in LAC
- Where the Pandemic Meets the Infodemic: The challenge of misinformation in the fight against COVID-19 in LAC
- Home Alone: Sustaining compliance with prolonged stay-at-home regulations for COVID-19 in LAC
- Inclusion Requires Capacity: The role of social registries in expanding cash transfers in the wake of COVID-19
- No culpes a la playa: Tourism and the LAC economies during the Pandemic
- Sour grapes: Discouraged workers and labor markets in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
- A Greater Tragedy Than We Know: Excess mortality rates suggest COVID-19 deaths tolls is vastly underestimated in LAC
- Working in Pandemic Times: Only one in five workers in LAC can work from home
- Vulnerability at Work: The need to invest in inclusive and resilient social protection systems for all
- Back to Cleaner?: COVID-19, lockdowns, and pollution in LAC Cities
- Hey Teachers, (Don't) Leave the Kids Alone: Connectivity and educational disparities in times of COVID-19
- Staying at Home in LAC (If You Can Afford It): The need to compensate vulnerable groups for staying at home for a successful containment strategy
- Coronavirus as a Governance Challenge: Is LAC prepared to take on COVID-19?
- "No somos de izquierda ni de derecha": Reflections on the role of governance associated to the recent social unrest in Latin America
- Of Pyramids, Bells, and Diamonds: The implications of getting older before getting Rich in LAC
- Tell Me Where You Live, and I'll Tell You For How Long: Inequality and within-city gaps in life expectancy in LAC
- And It Wasn't My Fault: Dangerous social norms and the urgent need to reimage our world
- Who Benefits from Growth?: A look at the changing incidence of economic growth in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Learning More, Earning Less: The role of falling returns to education and experience in "reducing" inequality in LAC
- Going with the Wind: Transition to clean energy in LAC
- A view from the bottom-up: “Civil Society Space” in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Wisdom in Our Words: Protecting indigenous languages in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Epic Falls?: Economic crises and household wellfare
- Catch Me If You Can: A few thoughts on analyzing poverty convergence in LAC
- Women, Power, and the Changing Face of Political Representation in LAC
- Under the Mattress: Saving to Stay Safe in LAC
- Leaving for A Better Living: Migration and Remittances in LAC
- Accountability in a Time of Misinformation: Going beyond transparency in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Not a Country for Old, Indigenous Women: The challenge of discrimination in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Killing Development: The devastating epidemic of crime and insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean
- The Geography of Exclusion: The dynamics of state discontinuity across the territory in LAC
- Ruling for a Few? How weak legitimacy can hinder compliance and cooperation in LAC Countries
- After the Rain: The lasting effects of storms in the Caribbean
- Hidden Figures: The need for better data and stronger evidence to improve gender policies
- "To My Friends, Everything; To My Enemies, the Law"
- Where Did the Productive Capacity Go?
- "I'll Be Back" ... (to Take Your Job)
- Rethinking Development in Latin America and the Caribbean