National Anti-Corruption Strategy


The National Anti-Corruption Strategy is a plan developed by the State to achieve specific goals related to preventing and fighting corruption on the short, medium, and long terms.

Lebanon has adopted this first ever strategy in May 2020 covering a period of five years 2020 - 2025, after it was reviewed and revised multiple times, benefiting from the opinion of more than 100 officials, specialists and independent civil society activists.

The strategy defines the concept of corruption, analyzes the Lebanese context, and seeks to achieve three major objectives: strengthening transparency, activating accountability, and ending impunity. The strategy aims at implementing these objectives within five years in seven outcomes:

First: Specialized anti-corruption legislation completed implemented in accordance with international standards;

Second: Higher levels of integrity in public function achieved;

Third: Public procurement system less vulnerable to corruption;

Fourth: A more impartial judicial system capable of fighting corruption;

Fifth: Oversight bodies or institutions more specialized and effective in fighting corruption; Sixth: Community empowered to participate in spreading and instilling a culture of integrity; Seventh: Preventive measures against corruption integrated at sectoral level.

The National Anti-Corruption Strategy is Lebanon’s plan to build a comprehensive system against corruption. It must be implemented.

For more information about the NACS, you may access relevant resources by clicking the links below:

NACS English National Anti-Corruption Strategy (2020-2025)

The Process of Development of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy - English

The Elements of National Anti-Corruption Strategy - English 

The Implementation and Follow Up Mechanism of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy - English

The Implementation Framework of the National Anti-Corruption Strategy - English

NACS Implementation Progress Report (2020-2021)  Arabic and English



For more on Anti-Corruption