About us
UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help empower people and build resilient nations. UNDP has been working in Liberia since 1977 in peace and in crisis times. UNDP is committed to helping Liberia achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) as well as the country’s national development priorities as set out in its newest Pro-Poor Development Agenda. UNDP provides technical assistance within the framework of the UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) which is fully aligned with Liberia’s National development Agenda.
UNDP supports Liberia's national development agenda and works closely with national institutions and local communities to promote, advocate and contribute to good governance, peace and security. Our work focuses on engendering national initiatives and strategies that help facilitate long-term development transformation in the lives of the people of Liberia. We offer global perspectives, complementary support and ideas on strategic development projects and capacity building in continued efforts to promote and protect human rights and improve environmental management. The end result of this transformation would be a country that is characterized by peaceful and inclusive politics and diversified economy, stable institutions, enforces the laws fairly, land tenure problems have been resolved, natural resources are efficiently managed and health and education standards have reached those of other middle income countries.