UNDP Liberia Resident Representative a.i. Louis Kuukpen (fourth from left) leads partners to perform hand over of assets.
UNDP Liberia with support from the government of Sweden, in partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has turned over several motorbikes, tents, camp beds, 4G tablets & other accessories to the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) through the General Services Agency of Liberia (GSA), to boost the monitoring of forest-fringe communities in Liberia under the Community-Based Forestry Management and Protected Area (CBFM) project.
The motorcycles and the assorted equipment are meant to support the capacity of the FDA, especially the community forestry and conservation departments to protect the forests, and facilitate the promotion of forest maintenance, wildlife conservation, and biodiversity through the work of FDA structures, forest rangers and officers at the county, district, and community levels.
UNDP Liberia Resident Representative a.i. Louis Kuukpen performed the handover ceremony along with FDA's Strategic Programme Manager, Joseph Duolupeh, and the General Services Agency Deputy for Operations Idriss Bility on the compound of the GSA on July 4, 2023.
Kuukpen noted that forests are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of environmental degradation, ecosystem fragmentation, and climate change. He said sustainably managed forests contribute greatly to combating climate change on the one hand and on the other, help to build resilient economies and preserved biodiversity.
He stressed strengthening the logistical & institutional capacity of the FDA for efficient and effective management of community forests and protected areas in Liberia was critical to forest management and governance.
“This occasion is therefore convened officially for the purpose of formally handing over the equipment to the FDA to facilitate the promotion of forest maintenance, wildlife conservation, and biodiversity through the work of FDA structures which include forest rangers and officers at the county/district and community levels,” UNDP Liberia Resident Representative a.i. intimated.
The CBFM project aims at strengthening the management of community forests and protected areas in Liberia through improved governance of community forest management bodies, and capacity building of forest regulatory institutions.
Kuukpen recognized the Forestry Development Authority for its cooperation and support in the implementation of the project, its active involvement in the selection of communities, and for taking the lead in consultative meetings with communities in the targeted landscape.
FDA's Strategic Programme Manager, Joseph Duolupeh committed the FDA to ensure that the supplies are used for the benefit of forest fringe communities under the CBFM project to promote and increase sustainable alternative livelihood options such as non-timber forest enterprises, climate-smart farming, and agroforestry.
He said these options are envisioned to improve the living conditions of the people living near the forests and protected areas as well as provide economic incentives for community-driven forest conservation in the country.
For his part, GSA Deputy Director General for Operations Idriss Bility spoke of the longstanding partnership with UNDP in support of Liberia’s development goals.
Bility expressed appreciation to UNDP for its enormous contributions to the development agenda of Liberia, noting that ‘Liberia is grateful to UNDP for being a "Reliable Partner" .
He urged the FDA to ensure that the assets are used for the benefit of the communities in forest fringe protected areas.