Joint Statement by International Partners on the Lofa By-election

July 22, 2022
International Donors congratulate By-elections in Lofa

Donors on Lofa by-election

UNDP Liberia

The International Community in Liberia congratulates the people of Lofa and the Government of Liberia on the mainly peaceful, free, fair, and transparent conduct of the Lofa By-election, held on 28 June 2022.

The people of Lofa have once more shown their unrelenting commitment to democracy. We welcome reports that the election proceeded largely smoothly, without major incident.

The International Community in Liberia commends the National Elections Commission for a generally well-administered process, despite challenges.

We urge the Government of Liberia and the elections commission to seize the current momentum to make progress on the preparations for peaceful, inclusive, and credible general elections, as scheduled in October 2023, which is crucial for consolidating peace.

The International Community in Liberia calls upon political stakeholders to refrain from using intemperate language and underscores the need to ensure accountability for any violations of the rule of law that might otherwise occur.

We continue to stress that any electoral dispute should be resolved peacefully through established legal channels.

We also encourage the Liberian authorities, and other political stakeholders, to listen to the Liberian people, including the half of the population who are female, and adopt measures that will ensure and facilitate increased gender equality, including increased active participation and representation of women in electoral processes and in the Legislature.

The International Community in Liberia reaffirms its continued commitment in support of Liberia’s efforts to achieve sustainable peace, reconciliation, and development.