A New Era in Civic Engagement for Southern Libya

September 2, 2024
a group of people sitting at a table in front of a building

The Launch of Ebraz Community Engagement Platform at the Nawiji House of Culture

Malek Elmaghrebi/ UNDP Libya

Tripoli, 2 September 2024 – The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) launched the Ebraz Community Engagement Platform today at the Nawiji House of Culture, providing a new online space for civil society organizations (CSOs) and media stakeholders to connect, share ideas, and collaborate on content that promotes peace and development in Southern Libya.

The Ebraz Project, funded by the Government of Italy and the UN’s Trust Fund for Human Security, is part of UNDP’s Peacebuilding and Resilience Programme in Southern Libya. This initiative is developed in partnership with ACTED and BBC Media Action and aims to strengthen the media landscape in the South by promoting improved communication, increasing civic engagement, and encouraging active participation in peacebuilding and development efforts. The project comprehensively assessed the current media landscape, and delivered capacity-building training to benefit approximately 80 media practitioners, civil society stakeholders, and government media officers, in addition to developing the new media platform. 

Dr. Sophie Kemkhadze, UNDP Resident Representative in Libya, underscored the importance of the platform, stating “The Ebraz Community Engagement Platform provides a unique and dynamic space for stakeholders to engage, connect, and collaborate. It is a vital tool for promoting dialogue and fostering resilience, ultimately contributing to sustainable peace and development.

During the ceremony, Aisha Rajab, Programme Coordinator at Sebha Debate Club, outlined the importance of the platform, “In the south, there are no clear channels of communication between local communities, particularly when citizens need to voice their concerns to civil society or the local council. As a result, citizens remain unaware of developments within these entities, and the municipalities face challenges in meeting citizens' needs, creating a significant gap. This platform aims to bridge and address this gap.”

To ensure the platform’s sustainability and local ownership, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between UNDP’s implementing partner, ACTED and the Sebha Debate and Dialogue Club. This agreement will enable the Senha Debate and Dialogue Club to manage the platform moving forward, ensuring its continued contribution to fostering civic engagement and peacebuilding in the South of Libya. 

The launch of the Ebraz Platform marks a new beginning for communities across Southern Libya. By providing a dedicated space for dialogue, collaboration, and creativity, the platform will help build a more resilient and connected society, where every voice is heard, and every idea has the potential to inspire positive change. 


Since 2017, UNDP has supported national and local institutions in their efforts to promote resilience and peacebuilding across Libya by fostering inclusive economic recovery and social cohesion strategies. At the municipal level, UNDP assists local authorities in conflict prevention and ensuring that interventions 'do no harm' and contribute to peaceful coexistence. In partnership with the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Local Government, the Ministry of Planning, and other line ministries and local authorities, UNDP promotes stabilization,  resilience, local peacebuilding, and local economic recovery alongside fostering accountable and inclusive governance systems in 65 municipalities across the country, benefiting more than 5 million people.  

For more information, or media interviews, please contact: media.ly@undp.org