Murzuq, 10/May/2019 – With support from the European Union, the Municipality of Murzuq received from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) the Women Campus at the Faculty of Medical Technology totally rehabilitated.
The campus used to house 200 women students. Due to the damaged caused by the conflict, it was closed for almost a year. The students were forced to move to another building and share an overcrowded space with their peers.
In a ceremony that took place at the Faculty of Medical Technology in Murzuq, a member of the Municipal Council, Mr. Mohamad Omar stated: “I am very happy with the result of this rehabilitation, which will allow the students to move back to their accommodation and more women will be able to attend college this year. I would like to thank partners for their support.”
The ceremony was attended by members of the Municipal Council, representatives of the management of the dormitories at Sebha University and the contractor company.
"The changes are remarkable, and the building looks brand-new, so now it is our responsibility to maintain it in good conditions," said Mr. Mahmmod Ahmad, Head of the dormitories’ administration at Sebha University. "It will be open to host new students next semester."
This initiative is part of the ‘Strengthening Local Capacities for Resilience and Recovery in Libya’ project, funded by the European Union and implemented by UNDP, in partnership with the Ministry of Local Governance and the municipalities of Tripoli, Sabratha, Sebha, Murzuq, Benghazi and Kufra. The project has also rehabilitated Murzuq Hospital and provided it with two ambulances and two delivery beds.
Despite the current security challenges in Libya, UNDP continues supporting Libyan local authority to provide basic services to the people.
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This project is implemented in the framework of the €90 million programme "Managing mixed migration flows in Libya through expanding protection space and supporting local socioeconomic development" financed by the North of Africa Window of the EU Emergency Trust Fund for Africa. The main objective of this programme is to comprehensively reinforce protection and resilience of migrants, refugees and host communities in Libya while supporting an improved migration management along the migration routes in the country.