Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Osaka, Japan, 2 November 2023: Panasonic Holdings Corporation and the United Nations Development Programme Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam (“UNDP Malaysia”) today entered a partnership to undertake a series of Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence (“HREDD”) trainings for Panasonic Group’s business operations in Malaysia.
The pilot collaboration aims to address the capacity building needs of the Electrical & Electronics supply chain in Malaysia, through engaging with key human rights risks at all levels within sector operations.

Panasonic stakeholders at UNDP Malaysia's office after a meeting with Jehan Wan Aziz, UNDP Business & Human Rights Specialist.
The HREDD training delivered will be anchored on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (“UNGPs”), the world’s most authoritative and normative framework guiding efforts to address the adverse impacts of business operations on human rights.
These core requirements of corporate responsibility to respect human rights are increasingly embedded in international standards, national regulations, investor and customer expectations, industry codes, and civil society benchmarks.
“As a public entity, the Panasonic Group is committed to sustainability as an important driver of business growth. We see HREDD as a crucial tool that can help us continue to identify and address human rights risks at all levels within our operations, while also considering the larger context of climate change and environmental impact,” said Shigeki Mishima, Group CHRO, Panasonic Holdings Corporation.
“Consumers, shareholders and investors today are demanding that businesses do more to align with global human rights standards. Businesses that are socially and environmentally responsible are showing a clear uptick in their shareholder values, access to financing and trust capital. Social and environmental returns on capital are rapidly gaining currency as metrics of business performance,” said Niloy Banerjee, Resident Representative of UNDP Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei Darussalam.
Through this partnership, Panasonic Group will continue to deepen their understanding of the HREDD framework and requirements, and know how to implement effective HREDD practices across their business operations in Malaysia.
About the Panasonic Group
Founded in 1918, and today a global leader in developing innovative technologies and solutions for wide-ranging applications in the consumer electronics, housing, automotive, industry, communications, and energy sectors worldwide, the Panasonic Group switched to an operating company system on April 1, 2022, with Panasonic Holdings Corporation serving as a holding company and eight companies positioned under its umbrella. The Group reported consolidated net sales of 8,378.9 billion yen for the year ended March 31, 2023. To learn more about the Panasonic Group, please visit: https://holdings.panasonic/global/, and its sustainability approach, please visit: Sustainability - Panasonic Holdings.
About the United Nations Development Programme
UNDP with a global presence in nearly 170 countries serves in many respects as the operational arm of the United Nations at the country level and works with partners in numerous countries to promote sustainable development, eradication of poverty, advancement of women, good governance and the rule of law.
In line with the aims of the UN Human Rights Council, the Business and Human Rights in Asia (B+HR Asia) project, supported by the European Union, promotes the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in Asia through national action plans, multistakeholder consultations and awareness raising while strengthening policy coherence, access to remedy and corporate governance standards involving human rights and environmental due diligence (HREDD). For more information on the UNDP Business and Human Rights Asia project, please visit the website here, and follow B+HR Asia updates here.