Malaysia Millennium Development Goals 2015 report
Malaysia Millennium Development Goals 2015 report
February 24, 2016
Malaysia has long been committed to human development. On many fronts, the country’s development ambition coincides with the aspirations of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) whose core is the advancement of human well-being. In the spirit of the MDGs, Malaysia has pursued more ambitious targets than the basic ones that had been set, and at the same time addressed other development concerns. In essence, we have been working towards a MDG Plus development agenda.
The Millennium Development Goals Report 2015: Malaysia (MDGR 2015) is the final report of Malaysia’s experience with the MDGs. It analyses the performance and experience as well as the outcome of development efforts at the national level over the past 15 years. It follows on the two earlier MDG country reports, in 2005 and 2010, which presented similar analyses at the sub-national level.
The Report reviews the country’s MDG experience with a focus on three underlying themes: sustainability, inclusiveness and resilience. Because Malaysia has already reached a high level of human development advancement, it is pertinent that these achievements be sustained in the future (sustainability); that the country is able to withstand and recover from future challenges (resilience); and that we leave no one in our country behind (inclusiveness). This is in line with the fundamental theme of the Eleventh Malaysia Plan (11MP, 2016-2020).
Malaysia’s MDGR 2015 is structured to give a quick overview of the country’s key progress and achievements for each MDG, followed by the remaining issues and future challenges as we move forward. This is followed by key discussions on the post-2015 agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).