National response to COVID-19

Green economy

As the pandemic is making its mark across the globe, the effects of climate change have not stopped their own mark. Nor has our work in supporting climate action and green transformation in Moldova.

Moldova is already dealing with the severe impacts of climate change, such as the rising frequency of climate-induced disasters, degrading ecosystems, and pressures on agriculture. The COVID-19 pandemic makes urban and rural communities even more vulnerable and has the potential to slow national climate actions.

The improvements we have seen due to global lockdowns and restrictions – reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions, flourishing biodiversity – will be short-lived unless the government continues to deliver on its climate commitments once the crisis is over and the global economy resumes.

We have the opportunity for a more environmentally friendly, sustainable and resilient future. To do this, we need to invest in green jobs, not bail out polluting industries, end fossil fuel subsidies, and mainstream climate in all financial and policy decisions.

As Moldova grapples with economic downturns, it will be tempting to return fast and hard, but we must balance economic growth with sustainable solutions that allow us to be resilient when future crises hit.

We are working with the government, local communities, civil society and the private sector to develop COVID-19 response and recovery plans that embrace renewable energy, sustainable business, green urban planning and nature-based jobs and livelihoods.

Here's what we're doing:

  • Expansion of the green jobs and business models is sought in four regions of Moldova, and the Transnistrian and Gagauzia regions, through provision of the grants to women groups and local public authorities. The financial support will help harness the value of ecosystem services and goods, promote climate resilient business models and planning, technologies and nature-based solutions, address pollution, and set the foundation for green transformation post-COVID. 
  • In the context of COVID-19, UNDP Moldova is supporting the government to undertake disaster risk and governance system assessments to understand newly emerging risks posing a threat to the human development and economy, and assessment of the required improvements for the national disaster risk management system. The findings of the assessments will inform the development process of the National Disaster Risk Management Strategy.  
  • UNDP Moldova, in partnership with the European Space Agency, analyzed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2020 summer drought on the Moldovan agriculture.(link is external) The analysis covers vegetation and crops status and well as correlation of the COVID-19 spread and status of crops and unveils interesting insights on the losses of the sector because of the COVID-19 and drought. This showcases how earth observation data combined with other existing layers is useful for developing new programmatic interventions to increase resilience and support the development of the agriculture sector. 
  • Innovative eco-friendly solutions for green and sustainable Chisinau are being tested with private sector engagement, including air quality measurement sensors installed in Chisinau districts, collecting and delivery of the real on-line data from sensors on water pollution and water quality of the Bic river in Chisinau, reuse of electric cars batteries(link is external), conversion of food waste into a soil fertilization, testing the series-parallel system for calculation of individual heat consumption and optimization of heat distribution in vertical heating systems in one building.
  • UNDP is supporting the expansion of electric vehicles chargers infrastructure nationwide (link is external)by engaging with the private sector.
  • To boost green transportation in Chisinau capital city, UNDP is supporting the development of an electric scooter sharing system in Chisinau city centre as a cheap mobility alternative. Eco-driving training module was developed and shall be integrated into the national curricula for drivers as a mandatory course of study. Other actions to promote green transportations include: improving of the urban mobility planning in Chisinau, developing the Roadmap and implementation of the Intelligent Traffic/Transport System in Chisinau, promotion the bicycle infrastructure/lanes in Chisinau, and dedicated public transport lanes in Chisinau. The Street Design Guide was approved and shall be used to re-design and reconstruct the central Chisinau street (31 August 1989) (link is external)to ensure better mobility, as well as safe and equal access of all mobility participants.
  • The 2nd National Determined Contribution (NDC) submitted in April 2020 by Moldova considerably increased the ambition on climate action and put a special focus on adaptation in most vulnerable sectors. (link is external)UNDP has developed the recommendations for green houses gas reduction from the waste sector and produced necessary amendments to policy and regulatory frameworks on waste management. UNDP is supporting translating NDC commitments on climate adaptation in health, forestry, energy, etc. sectors, starting with the second half of 2020.
  • UNDP supports the country in green energy transition by developing the Roadmap in energy and climate acquis implementation deriving from Association Agreement Moldova-EU and EU Energy Treaty, supporting Chisinau with the Roadmap on Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan development, and by testing ESCO models in residential building sector, and promoting Energy Management information System in public and residential buildings sectors. 
  • UNDP is supporting capacity development programmes in environmental civil society to act as advocates and promoters of green and resilient development in response to the climate scenarios which project increased vulnerability and exposure to the natural and other types of emerging hazards.
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