UNDP Moldova team

Our team

Who are the decision makers?

The UNDP Resident Representative acts on behalf of the UNDP Administrator and is the head of the country office being ultimately responsible for the quality and sustainability of UNDP interventions, including UNDP policies and procedures.

UNDP Moldova Country Office's Team

Daniela GasparikovaUNDP Resident Representative
Seher ArinerDeputy Resident Representative
Strategic Support Unit
Victoria IgnatDevelopment Results and Partnerships Specialist
Dorin TomaPolicy Specialist
Irina BuzuDigital Integration Analyst
Laura BohanțovaCommunications Analyst
Olga AngheliciGender and Inclusion Analyst
VacantProgramme Associate
Viorica JosanExecutive Associate
Effective Governance, Justice and Human Rights
Victoria MunteanProgramme Specialist/Cluster Lead/Effective Governance, Justice and Human Rights
Alexandru CocîrțăProgramme Analyst/Effective Governance, Justice and Human Rights
Natalia CulaiProgramme Associate/Effective Governance, Justice and Human Rights
Inclusive Growth
Andrei DarieProgramme Specialist/Cluster Lead/Inclusive Growth
Olesea CazacuProgramme Analyst/Inclusive Growth
Zinaida AdamProgramme Analyst/Inclusive Growth
Tatiana GoncearovProgramme Associate/Inclusive Growth
Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Silvia Pana-CarpProgramme Specialist/Cluster Lead/Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Vacant Programme Analyst/Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Violeta FetescuProgramme Associate/Climate Change, Environment and Energy
Elena OlaruOperations Manager
Cristina VerdeșProgramme Finance Associate
VacantAdministrative Associate
Cristina GnaciucProcurement Analyst/Head of Procurement & Operational Support Unit
Natalia VolcovschiProcurement Associate
Natalia IbrișimProcurement Associate
Andrei DurnescuProcurement Associate
VacantProcurement Associate
Alexandrina IanețHead of Finance Unit
Petru AlbuFinance Associate
Galina MararesculFinance Assistant
VacantFinance Assistant
Elena MoroșanHead of Human Resources Unit
Dmitrii ErhanHuman Resources Associate
Ion DamaschinSecurity Associate
Victoria DanuUN House Administrative Associate
Evelina OleinicUN House Receptionist
Valentin ȚurcanHead of ICT Unit
Serghei BorlacICT Associate
Sergiu JereghiDriver/Administrative Clerk
Ion MalaniciDriver/Administrative Clerk
Nicolae RotaruDriver/Administrative Clerk