“Integrity is Freedom” campaign encourages citizens to show zero tolerance towards corruption

September 20, 2017
Centrul Național Anticorupție al Republicii Moldova (CNA), cu susținerea Programului Națiunilor Unite pentru Dezvoltare în Moldova (PNUD) și Guvernului Norvegiei, lansează campania națională de informare și sensibilizare publică „Integritatea este libertate”, inspirată de prevederile Legii integrității nr.82 din 25.05.2017 și noua Strategie Națională de Integritate și Anticorupție pentru anii 2017-2020 votate de Parlament la 30.03.2017. Noile reglementări au introdus pentru prima dată noțiunile de „integrit

The National Anti-corruption Centre of the Republic of Moldova (NAC), with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Government of Norway, launches the national information and public awareness campaign “Integrity is Freedom”, based on the provisions of the Integrity Law No. 82 of 25.05.2017 and the new National Integrity and Anticorruption Strategy for 2017-2020 adopted by the Parliament on 30.03.2017. New regulations introduced, for the first time, the notions of “political integrity”, „institutional integrity” and “integrity in private sector”, thus unifying integrity and anticorruption policies in these sectors at the national level.

“To produce a change of mindset the campaign launched today will offer citizens simple and accessible information about the integrity obligations of politicians, economic agents and most of public employees and public institutions regarding their responsibilities to citizens” said Cristina Tarna, Deputy Director of the National Anti-corruption Centre. 

The Campaign includes several video materials, presenting “integrity lessons” based on everyday examples and situations. Campaign materials can be accessed on social media networks, as well as through the Campaign’s banners “Integrity is freedom” placed on the webpages of public institutions which accepted a partnership with NAC to promote the Campaign.

In parallel, training courses on the requirements established by the Integrity Law No. 82 of 25.05.2017 will be held in public institutions.  

The campaign aims to cultivate a new culture of integrity in Moldova.

“We support this campaign due to our believe that coordinated prevention measures can be more effective than fighting the consequences of this negative phenomenon and that is essential to increase, on the long term, citizens' trust in the state's ability and willingness to promote and implement reforms for the benefit of the citizen”, said Olga Crivoliubic, manager of the project “Strengthening the Corruption Prevention and Analysis Functions of the National Anti-corruption Centre”.

The Campaign’s goal is in line with the Sustainable Development Goal 16 “Peace, justice and strong institutions”, which sets an ambitious agenda to improve the way nations of the world govern their citizens and calls for concerted global action to substantially reduce corruption and bribery in all their forms; significantly reduce illicit financial and arms flows, strengthen the recovery and return of stolen assets; ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels; and ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms.