The Alliance of Hometown Associations will involve locals and diaspora in communities' sustainable development
April 26, 2023
59 hometown associations have joined the Alliance of Hometown Associations of Moldova (AABM), a legal entity to be registered that will contribute to the sustainable development of communities, by engaging authorities, diaspora, and residents.
“A continuous priority for the Government of the Republic of Moldova is to stimulate the development of rural and urban communities of the Republic of Moldova by attracting human and financial capital from the diaspora, as well as to preserve and reanimate the nexus between the departed citizens and their places of origin. This is the only way we can ensure the increased participation and engagement of the diaspora in the planning and social-economic development of the communities and the country. A positive example of this is the government program "DAR 1+3" (Diaspora succeeds at home), which supported the implementation of 104 infrastructure projects in communities all over the country. This year, a budget of 10 million MDL had been committed for "DAR 1+3" program to create better conditions at home,” said Adrian Baluțel, State Secretary of the Government of the Republic of Moldova.
The establishment of the Alliance of Hometown Associations is a natural step to consolidate the 160 hometown associations established and developed since 2015, with the support of the UNDP "Migration and local development" project, funded by the Swiss Government. Since then, hometown associations have demonstrated that they are entities capable of contributing to local development.
“Switzerland is extremely happy to have contributed to this result together with UNDP, the State Chancellery, the local government and each of the community and diaspora stakeholders. Since 2015, hometown associations have managed to mobilize over US$6 million for the implementation of over 140 initiatives in partner communities. Looking to the future, we count on the Alliance of Hometown Associations of Moldova and its members to continue the dedicated effort to improve the standard of living and democratic governance in the Republic of Moldova, with the active participation of the diaspora and migrants,” said Guido Beltrani, director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Moldova.
At the founding event of the AABM, the constituent documents were voted, the governing bodies were elected, the statutes, as well as the development strategy of the institution were approved.
“The Alliance of Hometown Associations, currently comprised of 59 Hometown Associations, will unite communities, advance diaspora engagement into local development, and facilitate synergies at the national level with government and non-government institutions,” said Andrea Cuzyova, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. to the Republic of Moldova.
The founding event brought together over 90 participants: local and central government, members of hometown associations and development partners.