“Arci and the Forest Council” – the first election-themed book for children, published with the support of UNDP Moldova

October 28, 2022

“Arci and the Forest Council” – the first election-themed book for children was released with the support of UNDP Moldova on 27 October 2022 in Chișinău. The book written by Ionela Hadârcă and illustrated by Lică Sainciuc was created at the initiative and with the contribution of the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training (CCET), within the project “Enhancing democracy in Moldova through inclusive and transparent elections”, funded by USAID.

The event brought together famous names in the field of literature, such as Claudia Partole, Vasile Romanciuc, Emilian Galaicu-Păun, and many children, their parents, as well as representatives of CCET and UNDP Moldova. The participants appreciated the book, noting that “it is a unique product on the children's book market in our country”.

The book promotes the idea that, in a democratic society, everyone's opinion and vote matter. With the help of Arci and his friends, it tells children about free and fair elections. Throughout the story, the characters become actively involved in the elections held in the Emerald Forest, so that the cunning crows do not take over the leadership of the Forest Council.

“It is a book written with a lot of passion and I hope that readers will find in new topics for discussion in the family, and I want children to love the characters and have fun reading it with their loved ones,” said Ionela Hadârcă. “Arci and the Forest Council” is a book from which will help children learn the importance of their decisions and their impact on the community.

“After the information campaigns carried out in recent years by the Centre for Continuous Electoral Training, with the help of UNDP Moldova, in kindergartens and schools throughout the country, the hedgehog Arci became not only the mascot of electoral education, but also one of the most beloved characters. And today Arci comes again to surprise his fans with a new story. I am sure that this time too he will captivate the little readers as much as in the comics. And electoral education, sown early will bear fruit when they grow up and make important decisions for the future of the country,” added Olesea Perean, Programme Specialist at UNDP Moldova.

The director of CCET, Doina Bordeianu, congratulated the authors for the valuable collaboration in the publication of the book “Arci and the Forest Council”, which, in addition to its artistic value, conveys a burning social message of today. We hope that Arci will grow his reputation as a messenger of electoral education among children and parents. An important asset of this book is that, although it is aimed at children, it is equally captivating for adults”.

Since 2019, UNDP Moldova supported several educational products for children, including five editions of electoral comics, available in five languages (Romanian, Ukrainian, Romani, Russian, and Gagauz), four of which were also launched in audio as well as in Braille script for children with visual impairments. These educational products were distributed by CCET at various activities, including the three editions of the information and civic education campaign for children “Drumul lui Arci spre alegeri”, which were held on the International Day of Democracy in 2020 and 2021.